
which suit?

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have you done a first flight course yet? if so, did you ask your instructor? (yea, yea, I know, the most dreaded answer on dz.com) if not, make that your priority before thinking about suits.

the S-FLY is not just one suit. They have a whole bunch of them

any chance you can demo before buying?

oh, and by the way, read the sticky article at the top of this forum... the one about which suit to buy :)

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Do a first flight course...demo both...make an educated purchase that fits your flying style :)
the wingsuitcompetition video just posted show sfly, phantom side by side...both fly great in hands of good (and lesserB|) pilots..

I'm an Athlete?

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Try both (or more) and REALLY learn to fly one!

I have seen the Phantom 2 in the air recently, on new or nearly new fliers in the UK, and it looks very good! Guys have picked up flying it easily and naturaly on solos and early formations with a good forward & vertical speed range and wing pressurisation. You certainly cannot go wrong with the P2 and you may find it easier to flock with others.

However, having only ever jumped the S-Fly Access and my beloved electric blue S-Fly Expert I know what make of suit I want next!!

I have found my SFly Expert difficult to flock with (read Phantoms, Stealths, Ghosts, Vampires, Firebirds, Blades and GTIs) but that's because I had no formation skills in flat or freeflying before starting. I'm having fun improving with each jump and don't regret my choice.

See "akatitaniumgecko" on youtube

Blue Skies,

Geck - "Still trying to learn to fly like a Frenchman!"

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Demoing suits is great, but you really won't get a good feel for the suit with just one or two jumps.. each suit's characteristics could be drastically different.. i'm learning that between and S3 and a Phantom 2 there is a huge difference not only in optimal body positions but how physically different the suits are flying..

anyway, i know that doesn't help a lot.. i like my phantom 2 :) I have jumped some s-fly suits, but didn't get enough jumps to really know how to fly the thing to its limits.

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dude don't worry about brands, don't worry about colors. find what ever entry level suit that FITS! and is used and reasonable and jump the shit out of it. then worry about ordering a custom color style whatever down the line. 30 years in the sport talking here. i'm just saying
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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