
Birdman GTI

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Aside from some s3 prototupe suits, I dont think any suits predating 2004/2005 had backvents.
The Acro and Phantom (Dubbed Phacro in the beginning for the backvents) where the first ones.
Closely followed by the Birdman Firebird which came out around thevsame time.

These days its pretty much standard on all manufacturers suits designed for all-round flying...
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Adding a flap of fabric, sewn flat against the (front) mesh, (3 stitches) with only one open side, will create an airlock.

Adding a similar vent to the back (mesh/flap) will give the suit backinflation as well. Though in terms of pressurisations, the newer wingsuit designs will make the older generation suits such as the GTi look like old cars.

Great to fly/drive. But the newer ones make it so much more effortless, faster and easier (talking suit design, not suit SIZE).
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I would say the Stingray from Tony, The phantom 2 from Phoenix fly, and the Firebird R from Birdman. They are all more performing than a GTI, but the same basic experience level.

Stingray: Photo attached

Firebird R : https://store.bird-man.com/webshop/flight/products/WINGSUITS/Firebird-R

Phantom: http://www.phoenix-fly.com/products/wingsuit_Phantom2.htm
Wingsuit organizing, first flight courses and coaching
Flock University

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