
Jumping with a ruptured ear drum.

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How many times does a doctor come across that type of question in practice? Do they have a case studies to verify their recommendation? Probably not. Sure you take the prescribed antibiotic meds and let your ear heal. However, there is no possibility of further damage once there is a rupture (with regards to skydiving). A pressure differential is what caused the rupture in the first place (in my case). Since there is a rupture your ear, the ear is in constant equilibrium with regards to pressure. The biggest thing is preventing infection via moisture contact. I have taken many showers with a wax ball in my ear as per my doctors recommendation. Both are completely healed with no hearing loss. Thanks for the tip though!


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Because the pressure equalizes since there is a hole in the ear. Ive made 20 jumps since i did it and most of those were before it healed. Wasnt a bad decision and im glad i did make the decision to jump.

if it doesnt hurt after only going to 3k work your way up till you hit 10k. if it still doesnt hurt.... go for it
Maytown Sport Parachute Club
Never turn your back on a charging turtle.

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This is poor advice. The tympanic membrane can heal partially open (perforated). Then, you suffer hearing loss, have a route for infection, & risk more serious complications. The smart move is to give it 2-3 weeks, & let it heal completely. Otherwise, you might be lucky to only need a tympanoplasty, & be left w/hearing loss.

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Because the pressure equalizes since there is a hole in the ear. Ive made 20 jumps since i did it and most of those were before it healed. Wasnt a bad decision and im glad i did make the decision to jump.

if it doesnt hurt after only going to 3k work your way up till you hit 10k. if it still doesnt hurt.... go for it

it's like trying to advice someone to jump with a broken leg which is healing... just add a bit more preasure untill...

very bad advice indeed.

every ear specialist will advice this guy to stay on the ground untill the wounds are entirely healed. dot.

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The ear specialist said i'd be ok. Family doctor said i'd be ok as well. I made jumps. Im just giving input on my own post. IF any one feels there is a risk and they have a ruptured ear drum they will make their own decision if they will jump or not.
Maytown Sport Parachute Club
Never turn your back on a charging turtle.

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It sounds like you could do better in finding an ENT & GP. Either the whole world is wrong, or they are. Google how many tumpanoplasty surgeries are done every year in this country. Google the severe possible complications of a perforated eardrum.

I'm not going to argue this w/you. You got lucky this time. Next time, you might not. Your choice.

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& when it heals partially OPEN, smart guy? Whatcha gonna do then? I mean, other than need a graft to try & salvage some hearing...

This is why I was told to let my ear drum heal before I jumped again, and I'm glad I did :) It was only two weeks, jeez.

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& when it heals partially OPEN, smart guy? Whatcha gonna do then? I mean, other than need a graft to try & salvage some hearing...

This is why I was told to let my ear drum heal before I jumped again, and I'm glad I did :) It was only two weeks, jeez.

Yeah, like, it's only your hearingB|

I've got 1 deaf colleague and one quite deaf colleague ATM, and it has made me even more appreciative of my OK hearing :|

ciel bleu,

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I still jumped 4 days after the injury occured. Way i see it is you only live one, fuck it have fun. Theres a reason we were given two ears. I did it, my hearings fine. I would recommend anyone who is intending on doing what i did to go to a Ear, mouth, and throat specialist before even making a low hop and pop.
Maytown Sport Parachute Club
Never turn your back on a charging turtle.

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