
Jumping with a ruptured ear drum.

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Hey I have a random question for anyone who is willing to give their input. Has anyone ever jumped with a ruptured ear drum. I ruptured mine on Monday, June 27th, in swimming related mishap. I was intending on jumping on Saturday, July 2nd. I was wondering if anyone knew the health risks of jumping with a ruptured ear drum? i have done some research and have heard that it should be safe as long as you can balance your ears (closing your mouth and nose and blowing air through your ears) with very little to no discomfort you should be alright. I'm not worried about noise since i am intending on wearing an ear plug in the injured ear. Any ideas if i should be alright to jump?
Maytown Sport Parachute Club
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ER Doctor: "Why would you skydive with an obvious and significant ear injury?"

You: "What?"

Ok, seriously, this is the sort of question that should be answered by your doctor, not some random faceless people on the internet.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I jumped with a ruptured eardrum for a few jumps (not a smart move).
I don't recall being bothered by noise or having trouble clearing my ears. The thing bothering me most was the tickling of the wind, that was real annoying and distracting, like someone sticking a feather in your ear and twirling it around.

2 days after the rupturing I visited my doctor for a checkup, and my ear had healed already. My doc did diagnose me as having sinusitis though so couldn't jump because of that for a while.

If your ear was ruptured a few days back and still hasn't healed, I'd be consulting my doc for sure. And if you're going to jump, likewise.

I'm not sure you should be plugging anything in a ruptured ear, but again, please consult your doc.

ciel bleu,

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Been there and done that. BAD IDEA! Don't even bother seeing your doctor again untill it's healed. And then you still want to see your doctor to make sure it is good and healed. DO NOT JUMP untill it's healed and the doctor says it's healed.
Green Light
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"Your statement answered your question."

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Been there and done that. BAD IDEA! Don't even bother seeing your doctor again untill it's healed. And then you still want to see your doctor to make sure it is good and healed. DO NOT JUMP untill it's healed and the doctor says it's healed.

ive talked to my doctor. he says i should be alright to jump but im hearing different opinions from you guys.
Maytown Sport Parachute Club
Never turn your back on a charging turtle.

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We only know what we've experienced. Thats why you asked the DZ.com
I from having a inner ear infection one month later jumped and as soon as I popped my ears VERTIGO from hell the planet was going 100mph to the left.
***Just personal experience.
Take care and heal up. If it hurts theres a reason, etc...
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If you have a hole in your eardrum, there is nothing to equalize, since you will automatically have the same pressure on both sides of the eardrum.

Therefore, I don't see a problem in jumping.

The problem lies within the reason your eardrum popped in the first place..........plugged eustachian tubes etc.
This problem likely persists and might cause complications when the eardrum is healed again.

Remember, grommets in children is essentially a hole in the eardrum.

Happy jumping.

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>If you have a hole in your eardrum, there is nothing to equalize, since you
>will automatically have the same pressure on both sides of the eardrum.

The problem is that if the hole is almost healed, the pressure change will re-open the defect. Do that enough times and the eardrum "heals" open, and never re-closes.

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How many times & ways do you need to read it? You've a confirmed ear injury. Jumping this weekend could mess you up for quite a while. It could do permanent damage. You ran it by your Doctor, & he said it should be OK? What kind of Doctor was this? A qualified ENT? Or, was he an import @a Doc-in-the-Box? Search the threads. Read the many jumpers who regretted making the mistake you seem determined to make. It's a free country, Cody. Good Luck to you...

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"Can you hear me?"

No... You can start by getting the name right. Junior High School was a looong time ago.

Knowing something, & knowing enough, are two different things. If a competent physician cannot diagnose a patient sight unseen? What makes you think you can? Without a proper evaluation. No one knows just what is going on in there. If he jumps. The OP will be taking a huge chance. He might get away w/it. He might cause permanent damage, & regret it the rest of his life.

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OK, I thought you implied that the physician was incompetent with your doc-in-a-box story. ..

To me the Kenny vs Spenny idea was funny, but that"s just me amusing myself.

Some people know a little and pretend to know a lot, and visa versa

I'll stop now.

Some people k

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No... You can start by getting the name right. Junior High School was a looong time ago.

You can start by following you own advice school boy.


This is where your link goes:

Re: [mjosparky] Do you get hard openings before a thunderstorm? [In reply to] Quote | Reply
You still sore about the last time, Sparkplug? Get over it...

So, Sparkplug. You're stiiill sore about last time(s)??? You really need to get a life.

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"OK, I thought you implied that the physician was incompetent with your doc-in-a-box story. .."

I was implying that. I've seen gross incompetence in physicians. To hear "Meh...you'll probably be OK..." doesn't instill confidence in the opinion.

To me the Kenny vs Spenny idea was funny, but that"s just me amusing myself."[i/]

Fair enough.

Some people know a little and pretend to know a lot, and visa versa"[i/]

Yes, some do. I'm not.

"I'll stop now."

Have a lovely weekend :)

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That's exactly what I thought. The one thing that you really want to avoid doing is jumping with a lot of sinus drainage or a head cold. 12 jumps in 4 days last week and my ears didn't equalize until about 10 mins after each landing. Seriously thought I had ruptured an eardrum for a while. Actually have a friend how did rupture one this way.


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Several years of college...followed by years of residency...followed by X number of years experience. What do THEY know, right? I hope you don't find out the hard way you should have let them heal. I also hope you don't make a habit of making such foolish choices. It will catch up w/you.

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