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Just out of curiousity, do you like parapak, or are you a die hard cordura fan? I was worried when I bought my used rig which is parapak, because my rigger said it isn't as durable, which I can't argue with, it is even apparent looking at it. But, it has such an AWESOME color! You just can't get this color with cordura! I think if I ordered a brand new rig tomorrow, it would be parapak, and i'd just be careful to keep it clean and well cared for.

What do you guys think? thoughts/opinions?


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Color on a container matters to me...

* on the ground, not on my back: a lot
* on the ground, on my back: some
* in the airplane: not much
* in freefall: zero

Plus, I'm just gonna fall in the mud when I land anyway. So unless I'm looking at a more realistic, stunning color of brown, I'll stick with cordura.


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Parapack is plenty durable...if you take care of it and don't crash and burn when landing. My venerable old Racer has over 1,000 jumps on it and still looks pretty good. I don't like the looks of most other rigs in Parapack and would buy cordura in other makes.

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It's a personal thing. Parapak (in my opinion) will show wear spots quicker, and you'll need to be aware of that. It you take care of it, it will last a long time. I don't think it's any less durable than cordura. I personaly don't like it, but have seen plenty rigs that look sweet with it.
my pics & stuff!

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I had a harness made of Parapak.

I gave it to a JM at my DZ after doing about 1500 dives on it. I fell over on one of those dives(on grass) - and the marks are clearly visible from that one occurence, along with a few tiny scrapes from inside the kite.

It does look good - but if you fall over - it will look bad.

Your call.

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Cool, just curious as to what everyone thought cuz it seems that cordura is the standard around. Personally, I really like the look of my rig, i'll let you know in a couple hundred jumps how it's looking, i've only made like 40 jumps with it, but it was already used and looks good to me! :)


Most people choose Parapak (more slippery than Cordura) for body contact areas (inside of leg pads and backpad) and Cordura for everything else.

Also, Cordura has a texture more like your jeans, and I heard that its not even texture casts shadows, so that a sun does not shines (and damages) on all of it, as it would happen with a flat surface (Parapak). Basically, it stays stronger for longer.


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What i've been told by people from The Sunshine Factory is that cordura is not as durable and its colors fade even faster than cordura.

You mean Parapak isn't as durable and fades faster than Cordura, right?

I don't think Cordura could be any less durable than Cordura...


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In my personal opinion you'ld better get cordura.
This on my experience with parapack.
At my work we have nearly 700 main containers (for round canopies) made of parapack and the biggest problem is the inner coating of it.
It will come of after intensive use.
(ofcourse this is not a problem when there's an innerlayer of a different fabric)
At the bindings it will be damaged easier than cordura due to the thinness of plain parapack.
A personal matter is that parapack feals a bit sticky when it's warm outside or a bit moist.

But parapack is more easy to maintain, dries faster after geting wet and dirt is brushed away without any problem.

On repair issues I would recommmend parapack, it's easier to handle and should be sheaper to repair.
unfortunenatly I'm not sure how civilian riggers deals with this.

Please forgive me for any gramatical flaws, my major language isn't English.

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I think Parapak looks cooler so I went with it.

But, if it was my first rig I might think twice. Kind of like when you buy your first car, chances are you'll be okay in anything but you go with something maybe not AS pretty, but a little safer and more durable rather than something more delicate.

I would say go with whatever you like best but just know that if you do crash and burn, the cosmetic damage to a rig made of Parapak will likely be more noticeable than a Cordura container.

And I understand about the color issue ... cause it is all about looking cool :P
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