
Dirty Canopy

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I have always been told that the stronger the soap, the more chance it will chemically react to nylon, spectra, zp coatings, etc. So I have always used Ivory liquid when soap was needed. That said, I recently landed in a bean field (in a 'river bottom')
My brand new zp canopy was covered with a FINE black powder.
Didn't repack, took it home, hung it up, sprayed it off with water only. Took a little attention with spray nosle to remove smudged in dirt, but did the trick.
Recently read in post that even rinsing canopy can reduce porosity. I guess it becomes a judgement call-at what point do you want to remove sand, etc.
to keep it from being ground into your canopy...
My best guess-at that point-RINSE it.
Good lu7ck,

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With dust/dirt it is best to just brush it off. Any washing/wetting etc will only do more damage than good. Try to brush it off with a dry sponge or something. I'm just paraphrasing what a rigger told me - basically washing is just extra wear on the canopy or rig and should be avioded if possible.

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Can I do it or can I pay my rigger to? Thanks.

First, at Walmart in the automotive section they sell a synthetic chamois called, "The Absorber". I like the neon yellow ones myself as they show the dirt. They cost about $10.00 each, and they are machine washable, air dry!

Lay out your canopy on a carpeted floor such that the top surface is going to be your starting point. The top will be the dirtiest, so no point in getting the carpet dirty too.

In the kitchen, fill a large salad bowl or one side of the sink with warm water and a little liquid dish soap; this will be used to wash out the dirty absorber towel prior rinsing it under the faucet with warm clear water.

Using the moist absorber towel that is free of soap, gently wipe the canopy, cell by cell, front to rear, with straight strokes (no circular motion). You will be surprised at the amount of dirt that appears on the absorber towel.

Be sure to rinse the absorber towel often in the soapy water and rinse it out thoroughly before returning to the canopy. The entire process will take several hours to do it properly. The absorber towel can be used to dry your car off preventing water spots. They beat a natural chamois several times over!

Don't ever use any chemicals on your canopy.

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