
FlySight GPS

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I'm using an altimeter hand strap, screwed the back of the flysight through the strap itself, and run the headphones inside my sleeve. I works great for me, but ymmv.

I just like that I can see the flashing green light (gps lock) before exiting. Also, if it ever had trouble finding its lock, i can move my hand around, to a window, or the door, much easier than my helmet (and by the time I turn it on, I really don't want to take my helmet off anymore).

Never had a problem with the lock though, it's surprisingly sensitive. My contourgps wishes it was even half as good.

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First it was 200 bucks, then 250, and now i finally getting around to order it, guess what its 370. I know I am from Europe and taxes and shipping cost some, but that's just crazy.

I don't wanna sound like I'm bitching, but I am B|

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First it was 200 bucks, then 250, and now i finally getting around to order it, guess what its 370. I know I am from Europe and taxes and shipping cost some, but that's just crazy.

The base price is $249 on the North American website, and 249 € on the European website, which works out to about $341.50. Most of the difference is due to the VAT and import fees associated with sending FlySights to Europe.

I share your frustrations with the cost of import, but, alas, I can't do much about it.


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I got the FlySight yesterday. I am looking forward to jumping it. I played around with it today in my car (I set the mode to automotive/horizontal speed). Very fun :)

I attached some pictures showing how I mounted it.

I mounted it on the back of my camera box on my camera helmet. I used 3M Dual Lock (bought it at Radio Shack; it is call super lock there) on three quarters of the FlySight. That way I can still open the camera box without any problems. And it feels very sturdy. Definitely not coming off unless something really goes wrong (in which case the FlySight is probably the least of my worries).

I did read that 3M Dual Lock can't be mated/unmated as often as velcro before it goes "bad". But hey, that's what long USB cables are for, right :P

I used the suggestion on here and bought in-helmet speakers. 25 dollar was the cheapest at the local motor cycle store, so not too bad. I opened one of the speakers, ripped out the cable and soldered a new cable on it with a bend stereo jack on it. I kept the cable very short, so I won't have much excess in the helmet.
The speaker itself uses regular velcro (came with the speakers) to keep itself in place inside the helmet.

The volume sounds very loud inside the helmet, so I don't have a doubt I will hear it during jumping. I probably will turn it to a lower volume ^^

Now let's just hope the stupid wind here stops blowing so hard so that I can test jump the FlySight!

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Can someone tell me how much would it cost to order Flysight to Florida? (total cost with shipping and taxes (if any) and customs...)
I understand the need for conformity. Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. -David Thorne

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I wanted to buy it here in EU first, but at 360USD I just can't do that. Since I know couple of people that will be in the states in near future it is no trouble getting the unit back. For 260USD.

I'll check with US dealers and then decide if I'll order one from canada to US address or get a friend to buy one locally.
I understand the need for conformity. Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. -David Thorne

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I have few ws jump and just bought a FS, what could be a starting glide value to set in first jumps?

I'd recommend starting with the default value of 3:1 (i.e., a max value in the configuration file of 300). This has served me pretty well on both my Prodigy 2 and Phantom 2.


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I have few ws jump and just bought a FS, what could be a starting glide value to set in first jumps?

I'd recommend starting with the default value of 3:1 (i.e., a max value in the configuration file of 300). This has served me pretty well on both my Prodigy 2 and Phantom 2.


Thanks! I'll do it...
Blu Skyes

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Somebody could you show me a pitture about motorbike earphone
Used with FS! Suggest about a mode l?

Kell.nl recently posted pictures of his setup. That's probably a good starting point.

I've just ordered some motorcycle speakers from eBay. They haven't arrived yet, but I'll let you know how they work when they do. The price is certainly right.


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The mount is almost complete ...

Wow, great job!

I've hit a bit of a speed bump in manufacturing my own mount... It looks like machining the mounts will be a bit pricey--they'd have to sell for $40 or so. I'm currently looking into injection molding, which I hope will reduce that price significantly.


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The mount is almost complete ...

Wow, great job!

I've hit a bit of a speed bump in manufacturing my own mount... It looks like machining the mounts will be a bit pricey--they'd have to sell for $40 or so. I'm currently looking into injection molding, which I hope will reduce that price significantly.


I designed the mount, which is 1"x2.5"x3.5", to attach to a Liquid Flatlock but it will attach to any flat surface. This is just a prototype (I still want to sand and torch the edges). They would have to sell for $30 to $35 plus shipping ...
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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I designed the mount, which is 1"x2.5"x3.5", to attach to a Liquid Flatlock but it will attach to any flat surface. This is just a prototype (I still want to sand and torch the edges). They would have to sell for $30 to $35 plus shipping ...

I'm planning to add a "FlySight plays well with..." page to the website. If anyone has something they'd like to see added to the page, let me know. It would be my pleasure to showcase any quality accessories.


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I bought a little MP3 player pouch (small sewn bag with a little zipper) that I simply attached to the back of the helmet, so it has a little pocket in which I just 'dump' the FlySight. Works like a charm.
There is a hole inside that feeds the headphone to the inside of the helmet. Simple solution that cost me $5,50 for baggy thingy.
I'm an Athlete?

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Ive only done one half jump with the device so far (didnt switch it on in time, so didnt start working directly) and that was during an FFC.

This Saterday/Sunday I hope to make my first few jumps with the device.
Ill try and do 2 directly after eachother. One with the device without feedback, and one with feedback. See how the audio feedback influences the performance..
I'm an Athlete?

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