
FlySight navigation mode

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Michael from FlySight emailed me a link to FlyBlind software update from 04/2016 that includes the selectable configuration, which is absolutely awesome! Finally I can switch between different DZs or modes on the go without need of a laptop :)
# 2092
Stay away from the rivers

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How do you guys have flyblind configured? I'm trying to get it to give me verbal distance, tone rate for how close my heading is to the target, and high/low pitches to indicate left or right to get on heading. I can get the first two, but not the third.

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I'm just playing with it for now. Mostly as a learning exercise. Decided to finally mount and use my flysight

I listen to my vertical speed, once every 3 seconds. Post breakoff, I try to see how slow I can get my vertical, just playing around. I get better and better, beyond what I ever thought that I could do.
Instructor quote, “What's weird is that you're older than my dad!”

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How do you guys have flyblind configured? I'm trying to get it to give me verbal distance, tone rate for how close my heading is to the target, and high/low pitches to indicate left or right to get on heading. I can get the first two, but not the third.

; Firmware version

; For information on configuring FlySight, please go to
; http://flysight.ca/wiki

; GPS settings

Model: 6 ; Dynamic model
; 0 = Portable
; 2 = Stationary
; 3 = Pedestrian
; 4 = Automotive
; 5 = Sea
; 6 = Airborne with < 1 G acceleration
; 7 = Airborne with < 2 G acceleration
; 8 = Airborne with < 4 G acceleration
Rate: 200 ; Measurement rate (ms)

; Tone settings

Mode: 5 ; Measurement mode
; 0 = Horizontal speed
; 1 = Vertical speed
; 2 = Glide ratio
; 3 = Inverse glide ratio
; 4 = Total speed
; 5 = Direction to destination
; 6 = Distance to destination
; 7 = Direction to bearing
; 11 = Dive angle
Min: 0 ; Lowest pitch value
; cm/s in Mode 0, 1, or 4
; ratio * 100 in Mode 2 or 3
; degrees in Mode 11
Max: 300 ; Highest pitch value
; cm/s in Mode 0, 1, or 4
; ratio * 100 in Mode 2 or 3
; degrees in Mode 11
Limits: 1 ; Behaviour when outside bounds
; 0 = No tone
; 1 = Min/max tone
; 2 = Chirp up/down
; 3 = Chirp down/up
Volume: 4 ; 0 (min) to 8 (max)

; Rate settings

Mode_2: 6 ; Determines tone rate
; 0 = Horizontal speed
; 1 = Vertical speed
; 2 = Glide ratio
; 3 = Inverse glide ratio
; 4 = Total speed
; 5 = Direction to destination
; 6 = Distance to destination
; 7 = Direction to bearing
; 8 = Magnitude of Value 1
; 9 = Change in Value 1
; 11 = Dive angle
Min_Val_2: 300 ; Lowest rate value
; cm/s when Mode 2 = 0, 1, or 4
; ratio * 100 when Mode 2 = 2 or 3
; percent * 100 when Mode 2 = 9
; degrees when Mode 2 = 11
Max_Val_2: 1500 ; Highest rate value
; cm/s when Mode 2 = 0, 1, or 4
; ratio * 100 when Mode 2 = 2 or 3
; percent * 100 when Mode 2 = 9
; degrees when Mode 2 = 11
Min_Rate: 100 ; Minimum rate (Hz * 100)
Max_Rate: 500 ; Maximum rate (Hz * 100)
Flatline: 0 ; Flatline at minimum rate
; 0 = No
; 1 = Yes

; Speech settings

Sp_Mode: 6 ; Speech mode
; 0 = Horizontal speed
; 1 = Vertical speed
; 2 = Glide ratio
; 3 = Inverse glide ratio
; 4 = Total speed
; 5 = Direction to destination
; 6 = Distance to destination
; 7 = Direction to bearing
; 11 = Dive angle
Sp_Units: 1 ; Speech units
; 0 = km/h
; 1 = mph
; 2 = kn
Sp_Rate: 7 ; Speech rate (s)
; 0 = No speech
Sp_Dec: 1 ; Decimal places for speech (0-2)
; (Sp_Modes 0-4)
Sp_Volume: 3 ; 0 (min) to 8 (max)

; Thresholds

V_Thresh: 0 ; Minimum vertical speed for tone (cm/s)
H_Thresh: 0 ; Minimum horizontal speed for tone (cm/s)

; Miscellaneous

Use_SAS: 1 ; Use skydiver's airspeed
; 0 = No
; 1 = Yes
TZ_Offset: 3600 ; Timezone offset of output files in seconds
; 3600 = UTC+1 (IST, BST)
; -14400 = UTC-4 (EDT)
; -18000 = UTC-5 (EST, CDT)
; -21600 = UTC-6 (CST, MDT)
; -25200 = UTC-7 (MST, PDT)
; -28800 = UTC-8 (PST)

; Initialization

Init_Mode: 1 ; When the FlySight is powered on
; 0 = Do nothing
; 1 = Test speech mode
; 2 = Play file
Init_File: 0 ; File to be played

; Alarm settings

; WARNING: GPS measurements depend on very weak signals
; received from orbiting satellites. As such, they
; are prone to interference, and should NEVER be
; relied upon for life saving purposes.


; NOTE: Alarm elevations are given in meters above ground
; elevation, which is specified in DZ_Elev.

Win_Above: 0 ; Window above each alarm (m)
Win_Below: 0 ; Window below each alarm (m)
DZ_Elev: 0 ; Ground elevation (m above sea level)

Alarm_Elev: 1000 ; Alarm elevation (m above ground level)
Alarm_Type: 0 ; Alarm type
; 0 = No alarm
; 1 = Beep
; 2 = Chirp up
; 3 = Chirp down
; 4 = Play file
Alarm_File: 0 ; File to be played

; Silence windows

; NOTE: Silence windows are given in meters above ground
; elevation, which is specified in DZ_Elev. Tones
; will be silenced during these windows and only
; alarms will be audible.

Win_Top: 0 ; Silence window top (m)
Win_Bottom: 0 ; Silence window bottom (m)

; Flyblind settings

Lat: 531182640 ; Latitude of destination (Deg *10,000,000)
Lon: +48289934 ; Longitude of destination (Deg *10,000,000)

Elevation: 1 ; Elevation of destination (m)

Bearing: 0 ; Bearing to follow (Degrees) (Mode 7)

; Flyblind silence settings

End_Nav: 0 ; Minimum height above DZ_Elev (m) for tone or speech (Modes/SP_Modes 5 & 7)
; 0 = Disable
; Max value = 3000
Max_Dist: 0 ; Maximum distance from destination (m) for tone or speech (Mode/SP_Mode 5)
; 0 = Disable
; Max value = 10000
"The 'perfect' parachute jump was thought to be one where the opening shock and touchdown were simultaneous" -Lyle Cameron, ~1965

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