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"quick lace hooks that most boots have on them can be potential snag points for your lines. "

Not only that, I've seen a nice wee 3 corner tear on a container that could have been caused by a speed lace hook in a crowded Cessna.
Either way...bad juju.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Try high-ankle skateboarding sneakers. Designed for ankle protection, stylish look and no speed lacers ;)
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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I don't let students jump in army boots, or any other lugged sole boot for that matter. Athletic shoes are a far better choice. Use high-top athletic shoes if you are concerned about ankle support. Shoes with a sole which will slide across the ground on a downwinder are much better than something with a lug sole which is likely to dig in and stick.

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It is an urban myth that army boots provide ankle protection.
Just stop and think for a minute.
If army boots provided serious protection against sprained ankles, then they would be so tight as to quickly induce tendonitis.
What do paratroopers spend most of their time doing: walking or jumping?
Far wiser to wear high-top basketball shoes that bind the tibia and fibula close together. That way the two bones splint each other.
That being said, I sometimes wear army boots while jumping in the winter, but it is more an issue of keeping wind off my ankles and swamp water off my socks.
Incidentally - short of Sorrels - I have found that booties are the best way to keep my feet warm in the winter.

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I agree. Most Airborne graduates show up for civilian training in their jump boots - frame of reference.

In addition, I think it makes it difficult for them to feel their foot position on a skydive. Those couple that I've let do the skydive with their boots (too far a drive back to get tennis shoes) have the worst time with leg controls.

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Keep in mind, paratroopers don't "run out" landings like sport jumpers do. Regardless of whether or not you think boots provide ankle support, they're certainly heavier and make running more difficult than a good pair of tennis shoes.

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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Here is a choice of an extra high top shoe which helps to protect the ankles...Has the flexibility of gym-shoes which I like...(Converse All Star X High Top)...Many other choices out there also...

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Something to think about, I once saw someone land/crash with a canopy entangled around his foot because he simply could not kick off his hightop. I also have seen several people lose regular sneakers in CRW wraps rather than keeping a canopy around their foot. Hightops are not recommended for CRW should they be the choice for any skydive?

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
Spelling and grammar errors are left as an exercise for the reader.

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Thanks...Makes sense I never gave thought to (a canopy entangled around a foot and not being able to kick off a shoe) I thought because it didn't have those steel shoe string hooks they would be ok...Just got my A and so much to learn...Thanks Terry

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