
Phoenix-fly phail!

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A couple of months back, several suits where updated and the designer didnt fully match the paterns anymore.
How-ever, all the designs are in the PDF files (as they have always been).

With the color designs of the V4 and Venom also being included soon, the update was put on a slight pause and ment to be done 2 weeks ago (end of Januari).

But due to a fire in my office (or more specificly, the one underneath mine) I was without computers for the last 2 weeks, due to ashes being cleaned from all boards.

Ive been working on getting the updated paterns into the designer the last 2 days, and should have it back up and running before the week is over.

That aside..Opening your email account and just asking PF directly is actually less mouseclicks than posting on a forum...
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But due to a fire in my office (or more specificly, the one underneath mine) I was without computers for the last 2 weeks, due to ashes being cleaned from all boards.

You gotta be careful with them spliffs...

Ontopic: get the damn color designer back online, I need something to do at work!! :P
I understand the need for conformity. Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. -David Thorne

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Ontopic: get the damn color designer back online, I need something to do at work!! :P

print a couple pdf's, sharpen your best pencils, have fun.... :P

Wow, that's so 1995...

Ok, then take the PDF's into photoshop and get out the paint bucket tool.

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Are crayons alright? What about markers? Can someone PLEASE let me know! I want a new suit and i dont know what do to! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF CRAYONS ARE OK?!


"If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

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Are crayons alright? What about markers? Can someone PLEASE let me know! I want a new suit and i dont know what do to! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF CRAYONS ARE OK?!


You better enlarge the drawings quite a bit. We know how hard it is for you to color inside the lines.:P
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Are crayons alright? What about markers? Can someone PLEASE let me know! I want a new suit and i dont know what do to! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF CRAYONS ARE OK?!


You better enlarge the drawings quite a bit. We know how hard it is for you to color inside the lines.:P

New event: who can color in the order form the best? Judging criteria are: overall uniqueness, how well you stay inside the lines, and use of color wheel theory. 1 minute of working time and the order form to be used will be drawn at the beginning of the day.

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Are crayons alright? What about markers? Can someone PLEASE let me know! I want a new suit and i dont know what do to! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF CRAYONS ARE OK?!


no, crayons are only to be used on TonySuits order forms. :|
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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no, crayons are only to be used on TonySuits order forms. :|

Don't you mean photocopier? Find designs you like and copy an paste various parts, and as they say in France .."et voile!" ;)

TWS has many unique innovations, the one's I'm aware of are Webbies, Mercury wing, integrated suit (alas all three appear to have died a death) , houdini sleeves (that don't always work if you aren't houdini), wings only attached at the front that give 7:1 glide ratio[:/], long zip pulls, removal of cutaway system, and fans that make false claims (e.g. TWS invented zipper attachment). Are there more?

Edit to add:
Yes it's taken FAR too long to update the suit coloring program, it's taken several months, and even if the latest delay didn't happen it's too long. PF can be very poor at this marketing game, an area that TWS usually do very well and BM did very well.

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Just for the record I am not picking on PF, but sort of poking at people that are holding off on ordering suits because the designer isnt working. Maybe it's just me, but i tend to turn problems into solutions, and coloring a wingsuit doesnt seem that hard.

As far as marketing goes, well it goes hand in hand with demand. It appears PF demand is very high right now, so maybe they dont need to focus so much on marketing. There is such a thing as too much marketing. If you can't meet the demand, then once again you are the asshole again. We saw this with some of the container manufacturers when they got backed up and I see it with some of my own clients too.

(Please note I am not mentioning Tony marketing ONLY because I am not familiar with it. I am sure someone is going to reply with "Well Tony markets blah blah blah" and I really couldnt care less as its not the point. My point would stand for either company.)
"If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

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I expect the have the program back online end of tomorrow, so if you havent taken out pencils yet, its only one more night of sleeping away...

Thank God! I'm getting ready to order my new Phantom and I've went as far as to print out the blank order forms, but every time I get out my colored pencils I am reminded I got a C- in art and only then because the teacher took pity on me and gave me a couple of written tests. So, I am overome by these horrific visions that if I had to manually color my order, I'd end up flying the winguit equivalent of a pair of patch pants.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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Received my new Venom in the mail yesterday, looks unreal - I didn't have to wait for the colour chooser to pick my colours. Just send them an email and they will work with you.

Customer service counts for far more than an up to date website and I know that I'd much rather have my wingsuit just the way I like it, full of all the innovation that PF is known for, than to have an up-to-date website while I wait for my suit.

Besides, the smile on my face every time I jump with my best mates will stay much longer than the anxiety of not knowing what colour to pick...

Now I just have to wait until I can get these new wings in the sky!!!

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