
V4 "coming soon"?

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I seriously doubt Robert would ever sell a V4 to a jumper with only 125 skydives.

That is correct. Ive seen him refuse orders in person before and/or recommend other suits from the PF line more fitting for a persons Wingsuit Experience. And people asking to order suit who clearly dont skydive also get information back instead of an invoice and a suit.

In this case the suit was ordered through a dealer who didnt know/inform about said persons experience.
The suit in question already left the factory over a month ago to the local US dealer, who seems to have misplaced it.
Had it still been in the factory we could have taken on a broader advisory role towards the client.

Sadly similar to ordering canopies, basegear or fast cars and motorcycles...experience can be lied about...or simply be ignored.

And though I do believe any manufacturer should take care taking on an active advisory role, informing people. And also making sure in their actions with demo suits and sales to people they know, uphold the safety standard. Not putting people in suits above their experience level. I however do believe its not any manufacturers role to also be police.

If someone orders a Katana 68 sq/ft canopy. He or she can do so without ever having skydived before....
Sad but true....and unless an actual police force is hired to play canopy/wingsuit nazi....its not realistic.

That aside, I do hope the orginal poster forgets about this one for a long time. Aside from being way dangerous, its also a waste of money to buy any advanced suit that mandates a certain level of skill and experience to fly it.

Learn to skydive. When experience enough, learn to fly a wingsuit. THAN at some point take the leap to high-end gear like this.
Don't be 'that guy' who knows all the rules, knows all the info..but stil only acts on ego and impatience to get to the sky and WEAR a wingsuit, as opposed to FLYING it...
I'm an Athlete?

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Exceptions to rules.... I AM THE EXCEPTION SIR :) 1.17 wingloading since 10 jumps. :o sit flying since 20. S3 wingsuit since around 65. Im just wreckless and on a suicide mission really. Lol!

Also not very active or current...


Maybe find something better to do with your time. What exactly have you accomplished? Nothing! Good job genius! My suit is done and should be at my house next week btw. Still love all you haters! Keep me on blast... its funny as hell and soo much like a pissy ass ltl junior high school girl :p

Post from 2006 with 25 jumps, so 100 jumps in 5 years... Your either the worlds biggest moron or a troll. Good luck. Hope Robi sees this and loses your order (if thats not what already happened!!!)

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Still love all you haters!

I see few haters out there, but mostly people worried about your well-being. Shame you take to that with offense, and not realise the actual extent of what people are trying to tell you.

What you're doing is similar to a kid fresh of AFF buying a 69 sq/ft canopy for swooping. It adds a lot of things to your jump related to complixity/dangers, and will do little for performance with the little to no experience level you showcase..

Be safe....
I'm an Athlete?

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Alright man, Ill put it out there. Have you ever MET Jarno? Have you ever discussed your wingsuit choice with experienced w/s pilots? Have you ever flew a suit WELL beyond your skill level?

I've done all of these. To address my first question, YES I have met Jarno and am very greatfull for what I learned from our conversations. Second question, I've consulted MANY HIGHLY experienced w/s pilots about my suit choices and my future suit choices. Third, Yes I flew a X-Bird having about 80 wingsuit jumps (damn thing about killed me... WAY beyond what I was ready to handle).

I'm not saying "don't live life" or "everybody is hatin'". These guy really are looking out for your best interest. Also, shame on the DZ letting you fly a w/s at your numbers. If they are a USPA group member this should not be happening.

Heres a post I sent VIA PM to a fellow jumper about a guy who may be jumping a wingsuit too advanced for him:


So the guy in the flat spin in the vid I posted, He got in another one on Sat. I chased him... for 5000'! I thought he was dead (thought he blacked out and knew he had no AAD). My Neptune said I had an avg 98 mph ff speed (unheard of for me in wingsuit). I seriously thought my friend was going to die, and I would be the one who saw it.

When I got in the hanger I told him "Dude, I thought I was going to be landing beside your dead body" I really hope that shook him, but what more can I do? I also talked to the DZO about what happened (I have the MOST wingsuit experience on our dz so I figured it appropriate). He said he would "Talk to him". I just really hope that helps.

Trust me when I tell you the folks here DO care. Nobody want to see you crater in because you made a poor decision. In addition to that, if you have 125 jumps and Jarno tells me you're good to fly one of the most advanced suits on the market, then I'm going to believe him and you really DO have exceptional skill.

Not busting your balls. Just want to give you some perspective.

Muff #5048

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Hope Robi sees this and loses your order

That's kind of messed up to say. If Robi wants to cancel it and issue a refund that's up to him. Waiting for a new wingsuit is like waiting on the results from a paternity test. Why prolong someone else's wait?

In five years I've got 50 prodigy, 70 phantom, 200 raptor and r-bird and 100 vampire3 skydives along with some others on demos and borrowed suits. Until a while ago my profile said "Jumps: 200" and probably wasn't up to the internet wingsuit-police standards; before I changed the number though GASP!! I ordered a new wingsuit (a Venom).

I'm another faceless emailer now and I doubt Jarno or Robi remembers me from the last Flock and Dock I attended (was it 4? was Jarno even there?)... please don't encourage someone "lose" an order, as you can see they seem to get lost on their own or in transit easily enough. :S
This isn't flying, its falling with style.

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i respect and appreciate all those who are concerned and are trying to give advice and help out... however theres a huge difference between that and some of the smartass comments going up. i dont disrespect people and dont tolerate uncalled for disrespect to me very well. i think its pretty funny though that some people have such pathetic lifes that they actually go back and research old posts of somebody's to try and bag on them! those are the kind of dickwads who have wifes bangin the UPS man at their home and in their bed while they'r at work LOL! i mean seriously get a Fing life! people have tried bashin me at a few different sports over the years and its been my pleasure on many ocassions to shut them up and i can only hope those folks learned to keep their cockholesters shut the next time they wanted to mouth off for what would be absolutely no reason. anyways its humerous and sad at the same time. maybe its like some kind of little dick syndrome or trying to make up for a crappy marriage cause they'r douche bags or who knows why. it seems like im the only one on any of the forums that will throw poo back at the mindless monkeys flingin poo at me. regaurdless its not going to transform me into that kind of assclown. i still hope everybody has great jumps this year and plenty of money to do so and plenty of good weather (with the exception of hail storms which i need as much as i need oxygen) and hope everybody lands safe and happy!!! appreciate skydiving and all else cuz we'r very fortunate and blessed to be able to experience it :) cheers!

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HOLY CRAP I'V BEEN TELLING PEOPLE THAT FOR YEARS!!!!!!! after all i'm a huge ego maniac and get on here all the time for attention and am hoping to splatter one day either base jumping (which is all for attention too) or flying a way tooo advanced wingsuit (also for attention only) just besause i'm wreckless as hell and hoping everybody is talking about me. sense my smartassness??? i hope so :)

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you are either a troll or a Dead Guy In Training either way it really does not matter because you will either be dead shortly or find a new subject. Hope you have good life insurance so you leave something for your child and wife

i have a troll canopy in my base rig (oh no i shouldnt have said that because i dont have enough skydives to base jump either!!!) but i dont really know what yall mean by "troll"??? and i hope you die too :) and burn

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FYI a Troll is someone that starts sh*t just to see what happens and if you truely only have 125 skydives and start jumping a V4 you will probably be dead soon. I hope you only kill yourself and not others in the process. If you do no have life insurance you really should look into soon
He's dead Jim

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OK, enough of this from everyone. We are all familiar with Mad skillz around here, no sense in this thread degenerating into playground antics and people earning themselves a time out. Talk about something else, like the topic of the thread for example or abstain from posting. Move along, nothing to see here.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Wait a minute wait a minute.
Tell me this isn't happening.
I thought this HAD to be some silly trolling game.
This guy is for REAL?

Ok, hold up, don't stop the party so soon, there's real entertainment value, here, Scott.

Live and learn, or die and teach by example. I think we have a new teacher in training here. The progress of charging headlong into his own fatality will be fascinating to watch, he seems in a bit of a hurry. Maybe that means he will find a more creative way to get killed than the usual flying-into-solid-objects thing.

We can start a betting pool about how long till he bounces. Extra points if you call the incident and nature of it before it happens. These guys usually broadcast their intended fatality method long in advance anyway, shouldn't be hard to guess.

I'll put $20 on tailstrike just like the guy last week. Its the easiest way to get killed quick with the elite gear this guy wants to use for it.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Ill take it up one notch... $40 it'll be a Super King Air tail-strike. Those suckers are low and the plane damn fast.

Seriously dude, good luck. I'm sure your as awesome as you think you are, and I hope everything goes well for you. Get some exit training for high performance suits for your daughters sake before you send it.

Watched a low number jumper in a ghost 2 exit a KA 200 that would have for sure hit a low tail a few weeks ago, got my attention for sure.

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one last post... im sorry for the cpl of trolling posts but i thought this was a game. everybody seemed to be having a good time talkin funky and running their mouths. and as far as bets go i'd be willing to put up 100 bucks that none of the smartasses would talk that crazy to my face! but anyways back to the topic... my suit will be here tomoro it looks like. and i hope if i go in i take out alot of you PusSIes bIG and yall burn in too :) hope the cool ones on here have a great weekend of jumps and fun and hope the dickwads get killed by a wreckless suicide mission rookie on your loads :) cheers guys

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Ok, big internet mouth
you are just too much at a talent, obviously your learning curve is through the roof and everyone is just jealous. Yeah, that's it. We are jealous.
You do sound like a douche though, won't be on the same exit point with me for sure.

Enjoy and shame on the dealer for cashing that money.
I'm happy I decided a year ago not to do any more business with this dealer.
Some people just get to greedy putting money over safety. I'm out.

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