
Wicked Wingsuits announces its 1st Future Flocker Scholarship

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Wicked Wingsuits is proud to announce the creation of an annual scholarship. The Future Flocker Scholarship will award $1000 of wingsuit training jumps to the selected recipient. A single recipient will be chosen for each summer season.

This seasons recipient has been chosen and it will be announced during Flock and Dock. Applications for next year (2012) will open in the Fall.

Criteria for being a candidate for the award include (at time of application):

- Have more than 5 but less than 50 wingsuit jumps
- Show a passion for the discipline of wingsuiting
- Demonstrate a commitment to developing well rounded skills in all areas of the discipline
- Have a documented financial hardship

One of our corporate principles is a social responsibility to give back to the skydiving community and to nurture the excitement of new wingsuiters.



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Sounds interesting.

How does the $1000 break down? All slots covered, coaches time etc?

Who decides who gets the Scholarship and is it location based?
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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Wicked Wingsuits and Tony Wingsuits is very proud to have presented Ashley Marquardt with the 2011 Wicked Wingsuits Future Flocker Scholarship at Flock and Dock 7 this past weekend.

Ashley was able to make immediate use of the award by making 9 wingsuit jumps at the event. Many of them coached by Jeff Nebelkopf. Her 50th wingsuit jump was a 12 way where she got to the slot quickly and then held it with with pride.

Congratulations to Ashley who is soon moving to Skydive Carolina for the summer, we hope this helps you develop into the best wingsuiter you can be!

More news in the Fall about applying for next years WWFFS.



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Sounds interesting.

How does the $1000 break down? All slots covered, coaches time etc?

Who decides who gets the Scholarship and is it location based?

- $1000 over 6 months, $167 a month. Can be accrued.
- Must be spent on wingsuit "airtime" which can include coaching or could be all personal slots.
- The officers of Wicked Wingsuits, Inc determine the recipient.

Might expand to include a winter award if there is enough interest. Will possibly be including a wingsuit for the award period from the WingsuitRental.com fleet.

If you are interested in the program make mention of it here and based on repsonses we will decide how to develop it. It was a quickly conceived idea that I would like to see mature into something quite serious for the community.


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If you are interested in the program make mention of it here and based on repsonses we will decide how to develop it. It was a quickly conceived idea that I would like to see mature into something quite serious for the community.

As much as i'd like free jumps, i'm not sure I qualify ;)
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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It's time to figure out next seasons Wingsuiter for the future. We don't have a lot of rules. You need to be around 200 jumps with a passion for Wingsuiting. 1 Wingsuit jump or 20....lets hear from you. Even -1 Wingsuit jumps and you are eligible.
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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I got a few PM's and public questions about this. I am just finishing up the plan for 2013. Either way it will be awarded\announced at Flock n Dock in April at Zhills.

Stay tuned for info on applying!

Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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