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This is Daniel, from the Spanish BBteam, the 2011 Champions. Just want to thank Mr Jarno Cordia for let us without any type of prize. Maybe he thinks that this is the way to promote his competition, giving the best prizes to the last in the competition...giving the prizes to the people that is starting in the sport or is just going to his boogies, but not to the people that train hard and pushing the sport to grow up.
Mr Jarno Cordia publishes prizes in his web site that don´t give to the winners. Is there anything personal????
Dont know but me and my WS is no more compiting there.
Thanks again Mr Jarno;)

PD...train a bit more!!!!
stop falling...start flying

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Im sorry to hear you guys where not happy with the 3 x 50% discounts on new suits, and the 180 euro Crystal statue you won (as one of only two intermediate class teams). Also quite sorry to see you seem to not have my email adres and put this stuff online in such a way.

Its weird I never heard any of this from you or any of your teammates direct, yet only through other competitors and random people online you complained to.

The prizes where distributed more evenly than the '1st gets all, 2nd only gets a Tshirt' method originaly listed on the website. Its a shame the announcement on the website read different beforehand (related to the altimeter you seem to vallue highly) but it was decided to be more fair.

I hope next years competition will be more to your liking...appologies on my behalf..
Id gladly had done this face to face had you told it to me like that as well..
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Aside from this altitrack issue, I should have all videos/scores edited and online in a few days. Hope people enjoy the flying..it was amazing to watch during the comp.

Sorry to see this issue pop up online, upsetting you to the point of not performing next year. There wasnt any personal reason for not adding the altitrack to the 1st prize. That decission was made before the competition started as they got replaced by big WS discounts. We even added all 6 altitracks to the prizes while originaly only 3 where intended to be handed out.

info@wingsuitcompetition.com is a working email adres in case you have comments or questions.
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Im sorry to hear you guys where not happy with the 3 x 50% discounts on new suits...

If they're not happy with them then I'll take them and be happy with them ... :P

i'd take that in a heartbeat..

most comps or boogies i've been to would make you choose what you want, so the first ones get the cool shit, and the rest is left with what is left. but hey, that's how i got a nice discount for the rig i got! :)
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Registering a new account just to publicly bitch?

Surely it would have been easier to email Jarno directly?

I wonder what you're other DZ.com account is?
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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In one way I can partially understand the frustration of winning "a 50% off" vs. winning the Altitrack. Even if the 50%off is a higher value, you still have to cash out half a suit.

Suggestion for next time : have a "Prize Table", and have the winners pick whatever they want, then the 2nd, etc etc... If nobody wants the 50% off then maybe the "last of competition" will get it, and everybody will be happy.

To the original poster, did you ever organize any kind of competition ? did everything go flawlessly ? was everybody happy with everything ? In the case of this competition, did you try and exchange the prize with someone else ? Maybe one of the altitrack boys would have traded it against your 50%

Remember, we are wingsuiters, not Formula1 drivers, footballers or whatever "rich sport" players. You should already be happy you got a 150€ trophy.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I gotta say, for someone who just won first place in a world championship of artistic wingsuit flight, you show very unsportive and childish behaviour. I hadn't really expected this of you, but hey, if that's how you roll ...

I find it pretty rediculous as well that you brag about getting 200 FREE trainingjumps and then bitch about some altitrack.
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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oh, and what i forgot to say, the REALLY cool dudes, you know, those that either make a living skydiving or have a sponsorship anyway, sometimes, if you're a noob, and ask them really nicely, or shout them a beer for example, sometimes they give you those prices, because you as the noob may have really need for it. THAT is cool! :)

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Registering a new account just to publicly bitch?

Surely it would have been easier to email Jarno directly?

I wonder what you're other DZ.com account is?

uhm, wait.
the guy identifies himself by name in his post.
am I missing something?
doesn't seem like an anonymous cowardly bitch... whatever the account is...

either way... to the OP... holy crap this thread is stupid.
are we honestly going to skydiving competitions expecting to make some decent profit out of the prizes? it would be easier to just not train and spend that money on a new altitrack, you'd be left with extra cash that way :D

p.s. you can sell your 50% off certificates on dizzy.com and get more $$ on them than the price of that altitrack.
then you take that money and buy yourself the new alti.
problem solved.

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With all the focus on the things that where wrong, Id have rather seen this public forum used to thank Hans, Patrick, Loic and Kathy for putting a lot of work/effort into judging. The scores fully reflected the flying, and definately showed the rules/dicipline maturing a lot compared to the last few years...

Cant wait to be done with the video with the 'best of' from all teams (longer 'full' video will also follow)...its quite amazing to watch!
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....well guys...I have a couple of discounts acumulated cause there´re not for the WS model that I want. For the crying guys I have to tell u that these discounts are personal, not for to sell it... Anyway if u publish in your website that there´re 3 Altitracks for the winners, don´t take personal decisions at the last moment and give it to the LAST...I dont need the alti, but I don´t want to shut up!!!
I don´t compete for prizes, I compete cause I like to improve my skills...and its the best way for training hard.
I´ve compete in differents disciplines, most of them have no prizes, just a recognition and your personal happiness.
But when u are in the podium waiting for your prize, that never comes...it fuck up!!!
Mr Jarno....u talk about a mail direct to u, isnt it?...I´m still waiting and explanation from u....
...you want to know anything else???...Deepseed, dont know about the discount for the best camera prize....can u explain me that????
stop falling...start flying

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I gotta say, for someone who just won first place in a world championship of artistic wingsuit flight, you show very unsportive and childish behaviour. I hadn't really expected this of you, but hey, if that's how you roll ...

I find it pretty rediculous as well that you brag about getting 200 FREE trainingjumps and then bitch about some altitrack.

This is for u Elias...In my country people like u Its call "chupaflautas"....what u need to do its learn to fly and shut up!!!...when I was jumping from a plane you where wanking in your bathroom, so dont give me lessons about skydiving...I understand why Jarno and u are very good friends....!!! both are made of the same toy!!!
stop falling...start flying

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When did you talk to me or email me about it?
Ill gladly reply when you do..this childish, negative and public accusation you post here is far from what Id call civilized behaviour..

Im sorry the prizes you got are not what you expected...as mentioned, before the competition started they where devided more honest over all places so everyone would go home happy.

Id rather have seen this handled personaly, talked to me in Gap about it? Emailed? But you didnt do any of that. You choose throwing mud, namecalling, and acting very rude...

Email me your adres and Ill BUY you an altitrack myself....

Shame you choose to soil your teams image in such a way. Its not about WHAT you want to tell me. Its about HOW you choose to do so...
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First I will identify my self: Alejandro López, I did participate in the competition with Flylikebrick team along with Jarno and Costijn.

Just for the record. I do recall me talking to you directly Jarno in Gap about this issue when I told you how the Spanish team was feeling about the discrepancies between the prizes announced and the prizes given, as they complained to me first as part of the organization.

You did, at that time, tell me that you were going to talk to the Spanish team which I don´t doubt you did.

I do agree that the form of this communication/discussion is not the most polite, however:

Let´s examine the facts:

Prizes where announced in a website
The allocation of prizes was changed (before the competition started), BUT it was not communicated to the teams.
Prizes were allocated according to the new, and unknown by the competitors, allocation.

Given this facts, it is normal that people who have not receive the prize that they though were going to receive according to what was publish in the website, complain about it.

It is not about "competing for prizes" or "needing it more" or "divide the prizes more honest over all places so everyone would go home happy".

It is a communication problem. Beside the nature and reasons for the decision to change the prizes, it was not communicated. And once a complain like this is received, maybe a simple acknowledgement of the mistake and an apology would have suffice to avoid long "childish" discussions like this one.

PS: I only give my opinion here as I was part of the organization of the competition (even though I did not do much) and because of that the complain came to me first.

With much love to wingsuiting, the pilots and all of you in general


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Again, if the team had a complaint they could talk to the organisation DIRECTLY. None of them did aside from Patrick. Who was a gentleman in communication.
I see here its more important appearantly to throw mud than to actually talk about it.

I DID talk to Patrick and his Spanish teamates at the end of the competition after I was relaid rumors and than had Patrick come up and tell me about his team-mates complaints. And I explained how and why and when it was decided. I never saw BB team after the awards anymore, nor did they bother to talk to me. I truly dont get whats wrong with everyones multitude of commucative options that this has to be done in such a sad, negative and public way...

I would have given my own altitrack away on the spot had it been a PERSONAL talk to anyone instead of namecalling behind closed doors and hear-say...
Again...I have several functional email adresses...if anyone wishes to talk about issues they have with the organisation thats where Ill gladly answer them.

I can only appologize so many times for trying to make everyone happy with the prizes we had available...

The organisation (wich isnt just 'mr jarno cordia') would love input about the actual competition and organisation...its a shame this complaint is all that seems to be communicated to the world..
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To second what Alex sais...as I also appologized for...the ball was dropped in terms of communication on my/our behalf, regarding what was on the website.

Next year we wont announce any prizes ahead of time, so hopefully everyone goes home happy...
I hope to stay free of such public lashings in the future..
It was a big (BIG) effort to organise and run this competition. Some things didnt run smooth, but Im happy weather, the judging, the jumps and everything else wasnt part of 'what went wrong'.

I also hope matters that DO arrise can be handled in a more constructive way in the future..

A communications error was made, if your discounts for deepseed/PF are useless Ill gladly buy you an altitracl Daniel....Know we're trying, and its nothing personal from this side at least...
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My 1 cent:
Ive been organizing sports competitions for many years (surfing), and I know its almost impossible to please everyone, there will always be somebody not happy about something... But if I announce the winner will get $1000, I better deliver the $1000. Changing my mind later to give $300 to the 2nd place and $700 to the winner is not acceptable. No excuses allowed there. Sounds like a baaaad way to promote a contest when the best athletes are going to boicot the event.

chupaflautas? esa es buena lol
DS #419.5

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