Pro-Dytter Discontinued
PRO-DYTTER™: The successor to the longtime standard in skydiving... the Original DYTTER! First released in the spring of 1998,
PRO-DYTTER™ became an instant favorite to skydivers around the world and continues to be the top selling audible altimeter. PRO-DYTTER™, with it's sleek design, innovative helmet clip, easy-to-read LED display and extremely accurate altitude readings, the PRO-DYTTER™ quickly became and remains to be standard equipment for Freeflyers, Relative Work, Skysurfing, Freestylists, Jumpmasters, Tandem Masters and Students... ALL IN ONE UNIT!
PRO-DYTTER™ became an instant favorite to skydivers around the world and continues to be the top selling audible altimeter. PRO-DYTTER™, with it's sleek design, innovative helmet clip, easy-to-read LED display and extremely accurate altitude readings, the PRO-DYTTER™ quickly became and remains to be standard equipment for Freeflyers, Relative Work, Skysurfing, Freestylists, Jumpmasters, Tandem Masters and Students... ALL IN ONE UNIT!