Mini Softie

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The Mini Softie is an extremely small, lightweight and comfortable backpack parachute system designed for use in today's restricted cockpit enviroments.
The Mini Softie is for use by persons weighing up to 240 lbs. It is available with your choice of Conventional Harness or Aerobatic Harness.

The container is 2.25" thick x 15" wide x 24" long. Canopy Type: Steerable Conical. Total weight: 14 lbs.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Very comfortable; highly functional
They're not cheap. yet worth every penny.

My softie is comfortable and I could wear it all day long when I'm flying (but that does't build much confidence with my passengers-mine is not a jump plane!).
These rigs are easy to pack and just an all around great design! The company is outstanding in customer service, knowledge, and quality. You can't go wrong with a softie.

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