Spirit Tandem

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Satchel "Spirit Tandem" is designed for use in parachute systems in the performance of training, production, demonstration and entertainment parachuting. The design features a knapsack "Spirit Tandem". The design of the harness provides a secure hold and a convenient location tandem instructor and passenger-specialist or a parachutist with the cargo container. It has a flight weight from 190 to 220 kg.

The design of the harness is designed for tandem instructor increase from 160 to 200 cm. The design of the harness, "passenger" securely attached to the harness "tandem instructor" by 4 carbines and is designed for human growth from 145 to 200 cm and a weight of 48 to 120 kg.

In case of failure of the main parachute, construction managers detach enables simultaneous uncoupling of the main parachute and raschekovku level three ring with trolley.

The Satchel "Spirit Tandem" is used for training jumps, production jumps, exponential jumps and recreational diving.


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