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DuraFlex goggles are the best of both worlds, they are soft but because they are bound and they won't crack as easily around the edges (like at the nose) where most of these soft type goggles do. They are very flexible so they won't break in your gear bag like most other fully bound goggles will.

You can sit or stand on them, whatever.... They will be there for a long time.

DuraFlex goggles are made from the same cut and optically clear soft PVC plastic as our EzyFlex goggles. They are easily adjustable, and with our special soft Way Cool binding they are that tough that they will last until you LOOSE them!

DuraFlex are not tinted so they are great for the instructional stages of your skydiving career or RW jumping when other jumpers want to have good eye contact with you.

DuraFlex are have plenty of strategically located vent holes so any fogging will clear fast when you enter the cool air stream.

The soft binding is more comfortable on your face and doesn't leave those nasty indentations on your skin that some goggles do.

"Throw a pair of DuraFlex in your gearbag and they will be there ready for any skydive action."


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 4
Cheap, very reliable and basically indestructable
No protection from sunlight, kinda goofy looking

These were actually my first purchase as a skydiver and on the most part they are very good basic set of goggles. They are extremely flexible and therefore almost indestructible. So if you are like me and tend to have them thrown around a bit and just shoved in a gear bag at the end of the day then these are perfect for you. They will last a very long time and provide unobstructed view. Especially good for when learning RW as eye contact is very important. Can look a little goofy but overall are very good for the beginner not yet wanting to use dark glasses or just for the destructive person who seems to always be breaking their other pairs. Cheap yet very reliable.

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