ParaMount System 3

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The Para*Mount System 3 sports a classic lightweight design for a video/35mm camera combination. It offers the camera flyer a comfortable and lightweight helmet system that is a stable and secure platform for shooting your favorite skydives. The precision crafted camera mount features a black baked enamel finish that adds to the system's sleek and professional appearance. It has a rotating still camera platform that is easily removed for video only. Included as standard equipment is an adjustable tinted sight, four point chinstrap, camera attachment material and system instructions booklet.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
inexpensive, carries 2 cameras, easy to use
None I can think of.

The System 3 is a great starter helmet system for camera flying. It comes complete with a dual camera mount attached to a lightweight helmet, includes an eyesight assembly and has a new ratcheting chin cup for easy donning and security.

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 2

I bought this helmet in 1998. I made with it about 200 camera jumps. My opinion? Lost money. Attachment of chincup is very poor and I couldn't fly comfortable. I almost lost my helmet a couple of times.
If you want to fly with cameras and not think about cameras don't buy it. You'll find a lot of much better designs on the market.
Best Regards,

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