Instructor Suit

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This suit is a multispeed suit, fit cut on the body with strong elastic parts for the comfortable movement. We recommend it for AFF instructors who don’t like change the suit when go back to back loading. You can set the speed of the suit by multispeed zipper.

You can order your suit with different speed:

-fast-normal speed (light weight jumper

-normal-slow (normal weight jumper)

-slow-extra slow (for heavy weight jumper)


-cordura knee and bottom

-elastic parts on the back and between the legs

-multispeed arms and legs with

-one inside on outside packet

-nylon sewing and YKK zipper


-Separate jacket and pants

-air conditional vents for the hot days

-extra pocket for the radio

-extra DZ embroidery


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
strong, multispeed
non yet

I have run it in the tunnel for free flying, then unzipped to flatly in the tunnel with the lightweights. Have jumped with 70KG students with myself weighing in at 107kgs
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