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The A2 was designed to be the workhorse of your tandem operation. It is the tandem canopy you have been looking for but could never find, until now.

The A2 is an elliptical 9-cell canopy, built with a combination of zero-porosity and 0-3 cfm fabric. Its airfoil and moderate planform factor guarantee superb handling characteristics, to minimize the workload of tandem masters. Not only will they find the toggle pressure, turn response and flare power they have been seeking, but they will be pleasantly surprised by the soft on-heading openings.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5

We tried different kinds of main for our tandem operation. The A2 had the nicest openings hands down! It took however a few landings for some of our instructor to get the timing of the flare. Once that was done, everything worked perfectly! We were trying French, American and Spanish Main canopies at the same time. Going from one to another took a little bit of adjusting. We love the A2!

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
openings and flare

Beautiful, consistent openings. Powerful flare and light toggle pressure. Everything I love and want in a tandem main. Job well done aerodyne. I love this tandem canopy.

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  • 5
Too soon to tell
Too soon to tell

I have just taken delivery of my new A2 tandem main and did my first tandem jump with it today. After 200 tandems, all on old canopies, this was my first on a new generation canopy. Great opening, flies very well and with minimal toggle pressure.

Good work Aerodyne - nice user friendly canopy.

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  • 5

I Have 7.5k Jumps well over 4k in Tandems and 22 years experience.

I bought a sigma and the dealer sent me the A2 to demo after my first jump it was no longer a demo canopy, no one was taking this away I bought it on the spot.

The best feature of this canopy would have to be the openings.
A nice snivel and slow to inflate.

I did 10 jumps on it in one day(2 on the Ezy) all big guys ,I still had arms left to lift a beer at the end of the day.

Landings are great and toggle pressure slightly haevier than a Jyro.

Colapsable slider great(but I have trouble reaching it)

I've ordered another one

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  • 5
Very light toggle pressure
Fairly high ground speed at landing flare

I am still a novice tandem master with just over 200 tandem skydives. The first 200 were on very tired tandem canopies with tired linesets so just about anything would be an improvement. The A2 has made tandem canopy flight fun for me for the first time.

So far, openings are two-stage. The canopy deploys and stands the pair up while it snivles for a second or two. The slider comes down and the canopy inflates at a very comfortable rate.

The first surprise is the collapsible slider, which is actually quieter if left uncollapsed. Toggle pressure is amazingly light. Much lighter than on a student Navigator. Above 1000' I routinely give the toggles over to the students, who have all been able to get both toggles down to full deflection. It is a tandem canopy that can actually prepare students for solo canopy flight. Turns are very quick and precise with none of the oil tanker input-wait-response of the old canopies.

My dropzone, Byron CA, is routinely quite windy, so the forward speed of the A2 is usually a plus. In calm conditions, though, the swoop is on with the A2 (in a tandem kind of way ; ) The flare is precise and responsive, similar but slower than my Spectre's (1000+ jumps @ 1.6:1)

I have no experience with other new tandem canopies, but if I were considering buying my own tandem rig, I'd be hard pressed to select anything other than the A2. It opens nicely, it flies easily for both the student and the TM solo on the toggles, and it has put the fun back in tandem canopy flight for me.

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