Eagle 7-Cell

ZP / F-111
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The EAGLE main canopies are available in &-cell and 9-cell models for a total of 23 sizes to choose from. They can be customized with a CRW option, Z-PO top skin or you can choose an entirely Z-PO canopy. With such a wide range of choices there is a canopy that is just right for you.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Reliable and durable.

After a 21-year hiatus from the sport, I was overwhelmed by the number and specifications of canopies on the market -- it wasn't as simple as selecting a color pattern any more. I wanted a canopy that would accommodate my (increased) age and weight; Johnny Higgins and Mark Jones of North American steered me to the Eagle 280 and I am entirely satisfied with this canopy.

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