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The new Faqtor leaves no wish unfulfilled,
from smooth, on heading openings to mega
swoops. The Faqtor is an excellent transition
canopy for the experienced intermediate jumpers
who have their sights set on the swoop pit.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Flying machine
Big slider

I have jumped the Faqtor 150 approx 100 jumps, this is a flying machine. Quick respons on risers, toogles and great flare. It can also really build up speed if you are up to it ;-). I used to have a Sxxxxx, but due to shitty openings (roler coaster woohooo) i did not want to have that canopy again. So I went with my gut feeling, and got a Faqtor even thou I didnt know anything about it at all. Next year I will propably go for another Faqtor, but a 120 sqft :-). I have no trouble recommending this canopy to a skydiver with at least 200 jumps ++.

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  • 5
soft on heading openings, long swoops and loads of flare.

i bought my faqtor 135 second hand and its loaded about 1.65. what can i say it opens on heading and nice and soft. then it comes to landing well you pull those front risers and your off, a nice steep dive then planes out beautifully. i have landed mine on back risers and toggles and all of them have been sweet. nice one paratec!

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  • 5
Soft on-heading openings, long swoops, predictable flight characteristics, good glide angle, easy to put down in a tight

What can I say - I love this canopy. I have jumped just about everything in it's class, and nothing comes close. So far I have put in excess of 800 jumps on my 135 loaded at 1.55 - and never had a problem. Prior to this I did over 1100 jumps an Sabres and Stilettos, and the faqtor leaves them both in it's wake. I mainly do AFF and 4 Way. I teach AFF all over the world, at DZ's of various sizes. I've never had to worry about putting my canopy down in a tight spot on an off-landing, and yet the swoops are amazing. Last year I entered the the 1st UK Pro Swoop Tour, and was amazedwhen I finished halfway up the rankings, beating several people on cross-braced / air locked swoop machines. I'd recommend this canopy to anyone who is looking at improving their swooping at intermediate to expert level - it rocks!

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Long swoops, yet docile if flown conservative gets you out the corner

I have a Faqtor 120. When i first saw one of these it was a steep hookturn and i thought the guy would never make it... I was wrong, short toggle input and he swooped like hell. Jumped it lateron myself and was amazed of that canopy. You can do very flat turns should you need to, but if you get into the front risers, it will make your ProTrack scream. It is an incredibly good canopy for a wide range of experience, i can only recommend it.

The Service from Paratec was outstanding, had my custom made canopy in a little more than four weeks after the order.

I've also jumped the XXXXX2 made by a bigger company, as i thought it was the same class - no way dude, it just hasn't the Faqtor!

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