Icarus Tandem

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Safety and reliability stops here. The Icarus Tandem is durable, cost effective, has a low malfunction rate and is stable in turbulence. Your Tandem Instructors will never want to jump anything else.

Openings are soft and comfortable. Her elliptical shape and light toggle pressure combine to promote safe, fun flight and controlled landings for the pilot and passenger.
The Icarus Tandem features three brake line configurations to customize her for staff’s specific needs. Available in 300, 330, 365, 400 and custom sizes with Vectran, Technora or Dacron line.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5

I like Icarus tandems. I jumped IT-365/330/300. All of them where in single steering toggle configuration, which I like a lot. All canopies provided a stable, soft openings, a smooth flying, a good control and a nice landing. IT canopies handled well gusty winds, turbulence and thermals. I landed with them on various restricted landing zones (soccer fields, baseball fields, narrow strip beaches). My favorite tandem canopy is IT-300 in a single steering toggle configuration. I would call it a "Ferrari of tandem canopies". Of course, a IT pilot must possess certain knowledge and canopy control skills, but "Ferrari" never is driven as go-go mobile .     

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Super powerful, super light
Not for the inexperienced tandem pilot

I jump two 330 tandem canopies,they are excellent opening canopies, I have them on Vectors(Sigmas) so with the spilt toggles (I have a 2-steering 6-flare option)they are amazingly light to fly, and have a really powerful flare. They are also very fast,and are great in higher winds, even with small passengers. I have taken some rather heavy people on them and had no worries. I weight @175. Ive jumped the 364's as well and enjoyed them also. But for the ease of tandems the 330 is unreal. Not for the inexperienced tandem pilot though. Enjoy.

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