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* sharp and precise response to toggle inputs, with minimum altitude loss
* high glide ratio
* easy on front and responsive on the back risers
* large recovery arch
* good acceleration performance
* powerful and stable flare

All these features, along with comfortable and stable deployments make Odyssey an ultimate tool to reveal your extreme potential!

Odyssey was born for Swoop and all related activities. There is a number of innovative solutions implemented: special airfoil and wing geometry, unique new type of air intake that reduces skin deformations and increases flight performance, swoop-optimized controls etc.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Fast but soft opening, great fun to fly and very stable
Occasionally throws in a fast turn on opening but nothing uncomfortable

600 jumps, wingloading 1.63, Odyssey 140

I absolutely love this canopy! everytime i land saying those exact words! Lovely openings which take about 600ft but are soft. you can throw it about with no issues. is very rigid in turbulence. I am on my 2nd Odyssey and just ordered my 3rd and i have also had a Magellan. The build quality is up there with the top manufaturers.
a great canopy and a fantastic price!

Currently selling for £1300 at Aerosky. similar to a Crossfire 2 but at 2/3rds of the cost!

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  • 5

I have only about 100 jumps on my Odyssey-110. My loading is about 1.67 - 1.77. It's very nice canopy, it flies faster after turn 90. I still haven't done 270 landing, but I'm going to try next year. My distance after 90 is about 30-45 m. Opening is very soft, softer then on my old canopy of this factory "Magellan-120", but sometimes Odyssey can make aggressive turn during opening.

I usually do packing by myself - just pro-pack with no tricks.

Generally I'm happy with it, after landing and especially after good swoop I'm so affected that my emotions are going wild. Especially I like landing with no wind or light breeze to the back, then my distance about 60m.

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  • 5
Nicely responsive, great flare, not too heavy risers, price
nothing as of yet

When I was looking for a new canopy after progressing from Pilots, I went through a phase of trying to jump lots of different types of canopy that were available. I tried xfire2 109, Demon 100, Mamba 104, FX 107 and the Odyssey 120. After trying the Odyssey, I ordered a 105 brand new custom made.

Why did I choose the Odyssey? Well, first off, I'm not a big swooper at all. I'm slowly learning to do 90s, but I just like a canopy that is really fun to fly. I've done many 12k hop n pops, so I can play around and have fun with my canopy, and for me the Odyssey was the most fun.

I've done about 50 jumps on my 105 now, and EVERY opening has been soft and it hasn't twisted up once (unlike ALL those other canopies I tried for far fewer jumps). It has had a tendency to slowly dive to the left after full inflation, but that is easily fixable. It has a short snivel, so opens in less altitude than the xfire2 did. Usually it about 600-700 feet give or take from tossing the PC to full inflation. I found the xfire2 usually was nearer the 800 feet mark.

In flight, it is nicely snappy on toggles. I don't mean twitchy, which can make you nervous, I mean you pull the toggle and it will respond positively and quickly with a fast rotation, which I like. It returns to normal flight pretty quick after you let the toggle back up.

Risers aren't too heavy. Front pressure can build up (I'm only a 65kg weakling) once I've gone beyond about a 180 on fronts (only tried that high up, no where near that rotation on swooping), but for 90s which I'm practicing it is not too heavy, but not too light.

Rears are similar, not too heavy and not too light. I've not had any long spots to get back from, but the canopy seems nice and controllable with rears.

It is quite sensitive to harness input, allowing for easy course corrections after opening while I sort out the slider etc.

On landing the flare is great. My first ever jump I did a flare that muscle memoried how I flared on my Pilots, and I popped up 10 feet. It has SO much more flare power than the Pilots I was jumping had. I jumped Pilots in 150, 132, 124, and 117 sizes, and none of those gave me the power in flare that the two Odysseys I've jumped had. I demoed a 120 and bought a 105. I can do a slower, gradual flare for more of a glide across the ground, or a fuller flare for a short, shut down, step down landing. Most important part is, I feel comfortable and confident with the flare, even in no winds.

And the price. I got mine on a very special offer, which worked out just over half the price of most other similar class canopies on the market, but that offer is over now, and even at full price, it is still about 3/4 the price of those other canopies.

After trying those other canopies, the one this was most like in my opinion was the Xfire2, but I preferred the Odyssey. For me, it is like an Xfire2 with more "ooommph" and "ooommph" is a good thing. It just had that little more in all the areas that I liked. I thought the flare was more powerful than the Xfire2's, it had more positive response with the toggles, risers were similar.

I honestly think that if you really like the Xfire2 then you will REALLY like the Odyssey. They are in the same class range and for me the Odyssey takes the top spot.

I'll be keeping this canopy for a long time and I am VERY pleased with the purchase.

I have 2 rigs, and for those that care, I put the Demon 100 (from Firebird) in my second rig, as it was also really good fun to fly, and a bargain at its retail price.

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  • 5
Scirocco soul

I own an Odyssey110@1.8-1.9, for almost 300 jumps. It is a swoop machine that makes you want to squeeze some more every time.

Feels like a Crossfire2 of the same size, but has way longer arc. In fact you can make it never recover with right harness work. It cranks the Cypres Expert limits easily with just a 270. It made me switch to Speed.

Strange thing is that it has relatively stiff front risers while having a long recovery arc.

I've started to appreciate this canopy after trying a Scirocco. I've found a lot of similarities between these two. Odyssey definitely has a Scirocco soul in it, a beautiful piece of engineering from the mecca of the aerodynamic science of the former Soviet Union.

For me Odyssey was the ultimate teacher of the way of riding gravity. I'm switching to Scirocco now.

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  • 5
Smoose openings, Enormous amount of power on landing,never ending Flare
You can only jump one canopy at the time :)

I own Odyssey120 and Crossfire2-119 I load them at 1.8 so I will make my review based on comparison between two.

Odyssey opens little quicker then Crossfire but very smooth (I jump camera with it and my set up is 5kg, so I can appreciate good opening) Most of times on heading some time dives a little. (It is elliptical what else do you expect?) Odyssey is more fun to fly as it is more sharp on toggles, longer recovery ark.

Landing (as you can see I have started new paragraph here)
Crossfire lovers will start throwing stones at me any moment now.
Odyssey has more flare and significantly more lift on landing then Crossfire2 when loaded the same!!!!

I have done around 350 jumps on my Crosfire2 before I even jumped the Odyssey. This canopy is so good that I event went and got dealership from Skylark to work in UK. Check out my site to see videos of openings and landings of this amazing canopy

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  • 5
openings, long recovery arc, soft front risers, good working rears, and price!
really none

Build quality is very good, material is thick, vectran or HMA lines.
I've done 200+ jumps with Odyssey-95 (1.9), tried 110, 90 and 85 sizes.
In comparison with Crossfire-2:
Opens soft on-heading but a bit faster than Ñrossfire.
Front risers is similar to Crossfire's, recovery arc is longer, rear risers works excellent. Canopy likes high loads, I tried Odyssey-85 (the smallest available) with w/l about 2.1 is still opens and flies great with very powerful flare.
Absolutely recommended for looooong swoops, very good for cameramen.

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