Parafoil 2000

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NAA has been designing and manufacturing accuracy canopies for over 26 years. After a year and a half of testing we are proud to introduce our newest accuracy canopy the PARAFOIL2000. It is an accuracy canopy for all conditions. It has the rock solid stability that the PARAFOIL is famous for and the responsiveness that you are looking for in an accuracy canopy.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Very nice and high recommended Accuracy canopy
hard openings

I have done several jumps with it, one of the best accuracy canopies on the market.
Some jumpers are not best freinds of the Parafoil 2000 out of the hard opening, but they could be reduced by finding out the best pack methode.
But that´s no quarantee

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