Sabre Discontinued

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The original PD Sabre, like its successor, was designed to be fun to fly, easy to land, and a great choice for those looking for a general-purpose canopy. Built with zero porosity fabric, the Sabre maintains its opening, flight, and landing characteristics over a much longer life span than the conventional low porosity canopies designed during its time.

The Sabre provides consistent on-heading openings. At higher wing loadings, it exhibits more responsiveness to control inputs and additional speed, while at lower wing loadings, it provides a longer control range and more forgiveness..


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members

Hi, I've got about 100 Jumps now on my Sabre 135 and I' ve never got painfull opening. Okay with my 65 Kilos it is big enough for me, but the weight does not have so much to do with the opening (having 10 kilos mor or less). But all in all, it was a good canopy to start in the ZP-world and get experiences but since I tried a Stiletto, I know, what I really want and need.

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Okay, with over 100 jumps on my new Sabre 170 to date, I feel I can give a better evaluation of this canopy. Rather than say what I have already stated, I will tell you what works best for me.

Packing: Of course I pro pack this canopy rolling the nose four cells on each side toward the center (big rolls). I don't stuff the nose, but place it gently in the center of the canopy, rolling the tail as well. I gently place the canopy on the ground (instead of slamming it down like most jumpers do) and continue packing as normal. I do not double stow the lines when using small rubber bands, I replace them if they are loose. This configuration has produced brisk, yet comfortable on heading openings.

Landing: I usually land this canopy with a slight turn or straight in approach (loading at 1.4). With a smooth brake application I can get the canopy to plane out with my toggles at about shoulder level. This produces a nice surf that covers surpisingly quite a bit of ground. I have made a few errors landing this canopy, but the canopy has always recovered nicely. Overall this canopy is a versatile canopy with great performance! I should be jumping this canopy for a long time to come.

Blue Skies, Rapper

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Let me first say that I have only placed 7 jumps on my new Sabre 170 and a few here and there on other's. I have over 500 jumps and have been in the sport for over 5 years. I'm loading it at 1.4 and am very happy with the performance. Speed, glide, turns, and landings are great. There is a lot of potential for incredible swoops. I'll give an update after another 50 jumps or so. So far my openings have been brisk, but not uncomfortable or hard. I am working on dialing them in better. The two key things that have been stressed to me, is to keep line stows very tight! The other has to do with the nose and tail, both should also be rolled tightly. This is a great canopy for those that want stability in turbulance, strong flare that can get you out of a tight spot, reliability, on heading openings, and openings that don't eat up a lot of altitude. Performance Designs is a great company to deal with, great service, and they stand by their product. Enough said. Blue skies, Mike Rapoport D-21553

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I got a Sabre 150 when I had 770 jumps. A caveat placed on me was that I had to be able to jump displays with it. This I have managed with no problem, including flag-jumping.

My exit weight is spot on the recommeded maximum, I pack it by flaking the nose (no rolls) and about 3-4 rolls of the tail. I always pack with tension on the lines. It gets stuffed in the deployment bag so it knows who's the boss, and I use microline tubestoes at the mouthlock. I always get nice clean openings and any off heading element has been down to my body position.

I have front dive loops fitted to my risers and apart from the flare I fly on these. On some of Eloy's long, deep spots, I have found myself able to cover a lot of ground on deep brake settings.

It only bit me once. I had put about 100 jumps on the canopy, and I had packed without line tension, and on a very slippery surface. I also may not have fully washed off my track speed. I let go of the pad (I jump a pull-out system) and I had an instant canopy that knocked then wind from my body. I was in such pain that all I wanted to do was land. After landing discovered the leg straps had grazed the skin from my inner thighs. The next day I was barely able to stand and the black bruising around my thighs meant I looked like I was still wearing my harness. I put that one down to my packing. That was 450 jumps ago and it hasn't happened since.

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I have a Sabre 150, my last canopy was a Sabre 170. I weigh 200lbs in the door. I never roll the nose, only put 6 or 7 rolls on the tail. I have not yet had a slammer. But with only 200 Sabre jumps maybe it hasn't started yet!!! Sabres are great for me!!!

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Had a Sabre 170 since I qualified & put a couple of hundred jumps on it. I agree that once in a while it will "spank" you, but it's only happened two or three times and I put that down to lazy pack jobs. At about 220lb in my shorts I'm loading it at about 1.4 so it flies pretty quick! Getting a bit tired now with around 450-500 jumps and I'm about to enter the world of Ellipticals on a Stiletto 150 but I'm planning on keeping the Sabre for a second rig on those weekends when I've just got paid....!

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I have owned two Sabres. The first was a 170 and I just loved it. I NEVER had any hard openings on this canopy, But decided that I could easily go to a 150. So I bought a brand new 150. After about 20 jumps on the canopy, I had a slightly hard opening. I thought that ok it was the pack job. About 2 weeks later, I had another hard opening on the it. Again I thought that I had a another bad pack job. About 2 months later and had about 60 jumps on the canopy, I was wacked so hard that I had a compression fracture of T6 and a cracked T12 along with a neck sprain. I had a rigger inspect it and the only conclusion he could come up with was that the slider was too small. I had sent to canopy back to PD and they jumped it. They had hard opening on the first 3 jumps of the canopy and then replaced the slider. They said that it opened fine. PD sent to canopy back to me with the new slider, I have yet to jump the canopy due to the recovery process of my back. PD knew that this was a problem with these canopies, yet they still sell them to people.

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I have a Sabre 135, I started jumping it with just 100 jumps (I loved it then) and have now done another 700 problem free jumps on it (I love it still). Fun but Forgiving sums up the Sabre for me.

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Open response to Travis on Sabres that open hard. The most common reason for painful openings is loose line stows. Loose line stows can easily dump lines in the pack tray. This means that the slider never gets very far from your back and the canopy is partially inflated and partially decelerated before you get to line stretch. Ouch! Fortunately the cure is as simple as installing smaller rubber bands or double wrapping your existing rubber bands. Incidentally, P.D. frowns upon Tube Stows because way too many people got way too lazy when stowing their skiny Spectra lines way too loosely. I left the Tube Stows on my Sabre until they wore out and never had a painful opening, but then I am a fanatic about keeping line stows tight.

Rob Warner
FAA Master Parachute Rigger

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I went to a sabre 170, after 60 jumps on a pd 210. I loved the forward speed even only at a 1:1 loading and how easy it was to land. However in my 90 jumps on it, I had 3 soft openings. This thing was killing me. I had it relined by PD as soon as I bought it and no matter who's advice I took or what I did, I was constantly seeing stars. I tried rolling the nose tightly all to one side and going to the back, I tried nothing with the nose, I trried splitting the nose, I rolled the tail unbelievably tight and still the openings stunk. After an opening where the slider came down fast enough to rip the rubber stops and put a rip in the slider and wrap itself around my face, so all I saw was the orange slider (nice backdrop for the stars), I got rid of it and bought a spectre 150, and will never look back.

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Super nice landings and good fun in the sky. I have had one extremely hard opening that about broke me in half, other than that, openings have been pretty snively, in fact pretty soft. Be careful packing this canopy is what I have learned most about it.

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The Sabre is a good all-round canopy however I have suffered several extremely "hard" openings even when taking the appropriate packing precautions ie. rolling the nose, etc. It's a decent performer and opens on heading, a good canopy to fly when off student status.

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As my first canopy off student status, the sabre provides me with not only forgiving landings, but also lets me get aggressive in the sky! All my 170 needs to slow the openings is a good tight nose roll. Consistently soft openings and great responsiveness make this an amazing canopy!! No going back to the Mantas! I love my Sabre!

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