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The Anglefire Reserve line of reserve canopies is the newest of the Jump Shack developments. They are a 7 Cell, 2.11 to 1 Aspect Ratio canopy make of F-111 canopy cloth and Spectra lines. This combination give the sport the most reliable fabrics for reserve application. Additionally, the Anglefire, like our Tandem Canopies, was developed using our 3D CAD system which produces precise patterns. This technology produces a more reliable canopy because the loading is evenly distributed throughout the canopy during deployment. No loose or floppy lines or material to cause aberrant behavior. Currently the Anglefire is only available in the 176 Square foot size.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Nice opening & handling

I was in deland FLA and I used a racer from the jump shack. I had a total malfuction and had to go to the resever. It was their 191 Anglefire. What a great canopy that is. The canopy opened soft Nice stand-up landing. I wt about 200 out the door.

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Built to last and open consistenly

When I bought mt angelfire I sold my PD 176 and have never had to look back.It is a very solid and well constructed reserve canopy.It has a great recovery range and really no bad habits.

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