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Strong reliable 7 cell reserve parachute. Small packing volume.


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  • 5

C-License with about 250 jumps, On 06/12/2020 I made my first jump in 3 years, The check dive went well, upon pull time I lost my handle, fired my reserve a terminal, the opening was fast but painless. Flight was stable and I did a intentional butt slide on landing. IT SAVED MY LIFE!!!! 

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  • 5
great price

Was filming a pretty normal tandem jump and after watching the opening I flipped back over and dumped. I had a toggle fire on my crossfire that produced twists and a flat spin on my back. I was loosing altitude quickly while staring at the sky so I decided to chop. The reserve opened quickly and quite softly. It had great flare and was easy to time. Stood up the landing.
I will no worries if I have to use it again. Its a great reserve!

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  • 5
Quick openings, docile handling

Had my first cutaway on a Decelerator 150 after a wingsuit PC in tow turned baglock, and it's got exactly what you want from a reserve.

The openings are positive: about as quick as they can be without being uncomfortable; you will have no doubt there's a canopy over your head slowing you down.

The handling is very docile: even though a 150 gives me a WL of 1.3, I was reminded of my student canopies. It flies slowly and turns deliberately. There's plenty of flare, although if you fly a sport 9-cell as your main, you will need a couple tries to perfect the timing.

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  • 5
Fast, smooth on-heading openings, easy to land

I was doing my initial AFF jumps on a 285. My instructor has since put me on a ZP.EXE 235 and I am loving it. It opens quickly and so smoothly and it feels great to fly.

My landings seem much easier than the previous canopy I was using and I'm sure I'll be using this for a long time until its time to buy my own.

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  • 2
It opened
Stalls easily and didn't fly straight

Opened at termnal and wasn't too bad (my first so I have nothing to compre it to!)

To fly it straight there was a 12+ inch difference in toggle heights!! Stalled easily and landed hard. Overall glad it worked and saved my ass but I'm looking at test jumping some other reserves because I'm not sure I want to fly and land that again!

Also having problems contacting the manufacturer :(

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  • 4
It opens
Confused as it was a 7 cell

Well, it opened, but if you have a SA set up and you are under one, and counting to make sure everthing is ok, REMEMBER it is a 7 cell not a 9 :-)

Also the flare was good, after a high speed mal, and the opening was fast, just what you need at low altitudes. I did have a brused area, but that was down to the speed it opened..

Nice clean opening, glad I worked really

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