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Write for Us

Dropzone.com strives to be at the forefront of disseminating information about skydiving and the skydiving industry. We are always looking to partner with writers to supply us with current and relevant safety, training, gear and information articles. If you’ve got an idea for an article we’d love to hear from you!

Our articles reach over 100,000 absolute unique visitors every month. This is by far the largest audience and the widest distribution of expert and new skydivers reached by any skydiving related publication - whether online or offline. There’s no better way to get your name out there, establish yourself as an expert in your field or simply 'give back' to the the skydiving community than by writing for us.

We’re always interested in fresh content that’s relevant to skydivers. If you have an idea for an article and would like to bounce it off us before setting out to write, feel free to send us an email (with a short description of what you want to write about).

For more information read the Dropzone.com Article Submission Guidelines, which includes information on:

- submission requirements

- what we’re looking for

- assignment of rights

- compensation

- how to submit your work

Of course, if you have any questions about contributing content to Dropzone.com, email the editor (editor@dropzone.com).

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