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1 pointAs stated before, while we appreciate feedback. We need more specific feedback than "I don't like it". What don't you like about it? Why do you feel that it is so different from the old site? The truth is, as mentioned in another post... We received this same kind of feedback when we launched the old design. Yet it seems most that opposed it on launch grew to like it. So we understand that it takes time for users to become accustomed to changes. And the functionality is by and large the same. There are very few things that are missing on the new format that existed on the old. We realize the "new posts" is a big one and we're going to get that back up. But otherwise, I haven't been made aware of many things that make it less functional than the previous layout. If you can articulate what has changed about your experiences, we can look more into it.
1 pointPaul, I am sad to hear about your experience. I’ve been flying at Milton Keynes for a year now and never had any issues, but I was a complete newbie and started with the position they told me to, I didn’t mind as I didn’t know any better. It took a while for me to stop flying with straight legs, and I suppose if you don’t want to become a tunnel rat, you don’t want to spend that long on relearning. I know one thing for sure, I had tons of fun, straight legs or not and really liked the instructors at MK who know how to pump up your enthusiasm. Moving now between different tunnels and coaches, I noticed that first 2-4 mins they always spend on basics to test your skills before they give you higher speed. It is like skiing... a ski instructor will never take you to black slope without first testing your skills on blue, no matter what you say your experience is. They call in “let’s warm up”:) I wish you’d try it again, and go for 10 minutes at least, it will make a huge difference too!
1 pointToday is the first day of the year of the pig. I'm sure it'll take a couple of months before I stop writing "dog" on checks by mistake.
1 pointYeah....politics is a nasty business. Somehow Billy, you manage to make it even nastier. You definitely have a talent.
1 pointAcid rain too. I think the biggest reason we understood and took action on both of those was the time frame. They could show that CFCs were destroying the ozone layer pretty quickly. Once CFCs were 'banned' (greatly reduced in reality), the ozone layer repaired itself equally quickly. The acid rain was quite similar. The effects were dramatic and sudden (on a geological time scale). The science was clear, straightforward and very hard to argue with. Yet many still did. And once high sulfur coal was greatly reduced, the acid rain issues greatly diminished and the lakes that were 'killed' restored themselves, mostly anyway. AGW is far slower. I don't have to worry about it personally, I'll be dead long before any serious issues come about. So why should I have to pay extra or suffer deprivations to mitigate it? Which is a very selfish and stupid attitude to have. Unfortunately, many have that attitude. And, like so many other issues, our descendants will have to pay the price.
1 pointI completely agree. Scientific monitoring of ozone, the accord and the results speak to global efforts to control man-made events. I recognize smaller efforts of trying to rectify events of man-made ecological mistakes.Reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone national park. As an example. Easy to understand and easy to see the intended results. Co2 and ozone are more difficult for the layperson to quantify.
1 pointYou realize that that was the medieval warming period, right? A period of several hundred years of warmer than normal temps. During which, parts of the Arctic (Greenland in particular) saw large amounts of glaciers melting. The Vikings settled there...Until it got cold again. Also, there was a very long and harsh drought in North America. That drought was a likely cause of the fall of the Mayan civilization. And lots of fires.
1 pointIt's a good thing that we took the science community's advice regarding the ozone layer. I've been unable to figure out why the concept of mankind being responsible for and being able to reverse the effects of global warming is so foreign to those who understand very well that we caused and fixed the ozone layer issue.
1 pointOver here ! <waving madly with a beer in hand> Oddly enough, I am so rarely here anymore, was just wondering what the og's are up to nowadays... How's life? No jumping for me - stupid brain won't give up the seizure action. Keep talking about putting the rig back together and just say fukkit and go jump. Tunnel time is fun but it isn't the same... But overall life is good. We bought a little piece of heaven, 5 acres of pines and oaks in the Sierra foothills, and a house that we are slowly renovating. Who knew home improvement was so much fun. If I can't have 2k agl, I'll take 2k msl. Pic is our deer family having afternoon tea on the back patio.
1 pointyoutube link streams right from the post. again NICE
1 pointHey guys, I realize that the change may be something one feels uncomfortable with at first, but there was method to the madness for sure. Mobile traffic is now the majority on the site, so to cater to mobile first is catering to the majority of the users. So OP is very much correct in that getting the site to actually be readable for majority of visitors was the number 1 priority. With regards to the white space, it's a change but it's more in line with what modern design standards are these days. It doesn't make sense to move to a new CMS and then to keep the same archaic 90s design that we had. I realize that the old cramped style is what you guys are used to, but at least give the white space a chance, as it's considered to be far better for readability. "If it ain't broke don't fix it", to be honest it was broken. Very broken. There was no way for anyone other than a desktop user to enjoy the site as it was a complete mess. Not only that but our old CMS was very restricted in terms of technology moving forward. We're hoping to develop new tools and functionality that will make the site far more interesting for users, but we needed a change to make that happen. This will also end up decreasing spam and scammers. With regards to ad block, we're definitely going to be looking to enforce turning off ad block. We designed the site in a way that it will look better with ads than without. And the simple fact of the matter is, we run almost primarily on ads and without them dropzone.com would not be able to sustain itself. We're still happy to hear feedback on problematic ads you encounter that may hinder your experience, and to resolve them serving. Messages are in the large envelop icon on the top right. Posts are automatically previewed, the editor shows a real representation of what the post will look like when posted, so it's providing a real time preview. The edit ability is a bug and we will resolve it. The signature line is the same, there should be a visible breaker between the signature and post, which we will fix too. IMPORTANT: We'd appreciate it if you could post any concerns about functionality to the feedback forums, or the bug forum in the announcements. Having numerous threads reporting issues makes it harder to track and resolve. Or to give you answers about getting used to the new layout.
1 pointA wind tunnel is not free fall. Simple, but this seems to be a point that so many, conveniently forget. Not saying a wind tunnel isn't a great place to practice, in fact if that's your thing it's a revolutionary place to practice. But it still isn't the same as gravity and free falling. There's nothing the wind tunnel can do to prepare any person with the rush of emotions and overload many experience at altitude when they actually jump for the first time. NO ONE can predict the future. That said the wind tunnel has its place, knowing what is beneficial, knowing the differences in what is required, and how tunnel flight body position is in fact different than free flight are key to real skydiving. To answere your question, yes you fly differently in the tunnel. But for most experienced jumpers this generally isn't an issue. Notice I said experienced jumpers. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.