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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Firstly, why the fuck would any normal person choose to watch it??? Second, I applaud the NZ prime minister for stating that she will never mention the shooter by name or give them any moment of fame. We should all do the same. Sharing the existence of links like this is pretty despicable, Billy. Even for you.
  2. 1 point
    Here is an interesting article that makes the case that the 12th amendment, which established the "modern" form of the electoral college, was largely motivated by the desire to keep Virginia and other slave states from being "outvoted" by the northern states. The problem was that Virginia (and other slave states) had small populations of voters compared to northern states, even though the total populations were much more similar. Much of Virginia's population was made up of slaves, and of course Virginia was not about to let them actually vote. How to count the slaves towards the presidential election without letting them vote? The answer was to assign a certain number of electoral college votes to a state based on it's population. Within a state the "popular vote" (which excluded slaves) would translate into a number of "electoral college votes" which were roughly proportional to the total population (including slaves). The electoral college as structured by the 12th amendment was designed to allow slave states to have their cake and eat it too. In my opinion, besides the gross unfairness of the disparity of electoral college votes per unit population (BTW Texas loses out as much as California does), the whole system is tainted by it's roots in slavery. Also, the argument that low population states like Alabama should be given an "extra helping" of votes so they can be equal to high population states like Texas or California is uncomfortably parallel to the argument that Jefferson made at the time of the 12th amendment, that Virginia should be considered equal to New York or Pennsylvannia despite that they chose to consider most of their population to be sub-human. Billy's argument that people who live in cities are less worthy US citizens than people who live in the country is contemptible and repellent. It is not materially different from arguments that some people are worth more because of the color of their skin, or any other arbitrary characteristic. BTW I live in the country, on a farm, and even on a dirt road for that matter. In no way do I consider myself to be superior to people who live in town, but of course they are also not inherently superior to me just because of where their mail gets delivered. Don
  3. 1 point
    That's why maintenance squawk systems exist - because such things are so often overlooked. Even big issues like that. Keep in mind that afterwards both pilots were likely kicking themselves. "Holy shit! I can't believe I missed that! I'm going to write it up, go home, and hope none of the other pilots find out how much I suck. I really need this job."
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