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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    The gullibility of the reich wing nitwits knows no bounds. Barr says the Mueller report has nothing? Law Professor Orin Kerr writes on twitter - Imagine if the Starr Report had been provided only to President Clinton's Attorney General, Janet Reno, who then read it privately and published a 4-page letter based on her private reading stating her conclusion that President Clinton committed no crimes. <<< End The Riech wing media and pundits would have gone INSANE. It is NOT funny how the "morals and ethics" of the Reich wing are so fungible. It is completely insane that so many people go along with the hypocrisy.
  2. 1 point
    I don't think it will take a lot of money, just some foresight. Look at the Oklo reactors. 16 reactors ran for centuries, and then the waste products were safely stored on site for 2 billion years. And that took no money at all. With careful selection of a similar site, we could reproduce that result.
  3. 1 point
    I know! If Clinton had been elected, how could the Nazis, white supremacists and far-right terrorists have any hope at all of being named "very fine people?" You'd have fewer extremist murders; undertakers would be out of work. Farmers would not be crushed by job-killing tariffis; what would bankruptcy lawyers do? Statements coming out of the White House would be intelligent. Kim Jong Un would remain an impotent joke. It would be a horror show.
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