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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Well well... Here I go again for a new adventure!! This time I am off to Germany - the land of beer - woo hoo!!! Been a long time in the making but getting closer and closer to my long-term goals! Very excited about this move and for anyone who is interested I will keep you posted
  3. 1 point
    Wolf is right about staying Hydrated an well fed. Stay healthy and stretch often. You will be suprised at how sore you can get after a few jumps. Bring a lunch an bunch of snacks. Lots of water. If im not picking some jumpers brain for advise im either eating,stretching, or sleeping. Above all else once you get over the I could die doing this thought you will start to have so much fun either during freefall or under canopy. They are 2 totally different experiences..Enjoy them both. Listen to your coaches and don't over think anything. Stay loose an hold your arch.
  4. 1 point
    Yet your first post back you're pretty much doing the same thing. Go figure...
  5. 1 point
    To add to what PC said, I will say you will need to learn to fly with canopy traffic also. This IMO is equally as important. If you are still a student, you probably don’t have to focus on this while landing yet which is a good thing as you need to focus on landing safely. When you get licensed and jump with 20 plus canopies flying around trying to land in the same area, things change. Some folks are flying much faster and others much slower. Safely getting into the pattern is crucial to avoid a canopy collision or a low altitude mistake. Take this into consideration as you decide what is best for you and the others you will be flying with. Watching and talking to more experienced jumpers will be a great benefit. BTW, what is your exit weight? That will help determine a safe canopy size.
  6. 1 point
    I agree with what you said in your response, and how you said it. Don't give it another thought. Plenty of people do hop-n-pops without jumpsuits on, including putting students out, so it's not like it's a BSR violation. For reference, here is me getting ready for my clear and pull from 2002, rocking a, yes, t-shirt. And plenty of student jumpsuits are baggier than tight-fitting t-shirt would be.
  7. 1 point
    Wow. No where in my post did I say that the information did not apply to me. Actually, I specifically stated that I would look for a jumpsuit. When I asked if my shirt looked to be too loose, it was a legitimate question meant to further my knowledge, not justify my error. I was simply stating what I had worn throughout the day as the weather changed. No where did I even begin to negate your advice and assume I knew better or thought it did not apply to me. I dont appreciate your snappy response, though, in which you assume I had attitude or was trying to be aloof. As an educator myself, for future reference, those type of responses to an honest question work quickly against the learning process.
  8. 1 point
    Let me update my answer. The DZO is closing in on 50 and I'm 64 with 3000 tandems. Heck I have over a 1000 tandems on my new knee. Age is a hell of lot more than a number! STEVEMACHINE!
  9. 1 point
    Funny I was just reflecting on this last night. How can you expect someone who is clearly lying or has a very poor memory to run a country?
  10. 1 point
    Which of course you have absolutely no evidence for, but I am sure it makes you feel good.
  11. 1 point
    Ok I'll bite, you do present an interesting case! If the DZ has some good rental gear for downsizing, maybe you can at least convince them to allow a rapid downsizing. Back in the old days, early in the zero-p canopy era, if you were good you might do a couple jumps on a particular size canopy, then downsize a size, and repeat. If going to a sportier canopy, have a few jumps on a more docile canopy of the same size. Anyway, that was my experience in the early 1990s as someone who also thought they were a special case -- a pilot in my case. Try to borrow rigs as well, if needed to help with the downsizing. At least then you might have an idea what works for you before you spend money on gear yourself. If you're already on a 180 at 2 jumps that's just one 1 to 2 more downsizes to a 150 anyway. I'm not a great source of advice as I don't speedfly (only paraglide). I'm not sure of the glide ratios current speedflying or riding canopies are built for, but I'd warn you to be careful of the more ground hungry skydiving canopies until you worked your way into them. At the same wing loading, there can be canopies of widely varying flight characteristics. I guess they aren't really common at say 150 size, but at 135 and under they start to be more common. They have a steep descent (say, glide ratio of under 2.5) and dive sharply in turns. So be careful of the model of canopy and not just size. Whether you end up buying a 150 or whatever, it is just very difficult to know what to look for (in a rig, reserve, and main) when you've only barely started skydiving. You could probably fly and land smaller than a 150 easily enough, but you would also be learning to deal with packing, body position on opening, and dealing with other skydivers on opening and in the landing pattern. So who knows, maybe a 150 at 1.25 loading or thereabouts might be reasonable to stay at for a little while.
  12. 1 point
    Faux Spews is amazing. Imagine how stupid people (the viewers) would feel if they knew that it was owned by an Australian billionaire who doesn't give a shit about facts and truth. One who owns and runs some of the most heinous media outlets on the planet.
  13. 1 point
    At this point it’s not about me. It’s about you guys dancing around the report that you hang your hat on the come out completely in favor of Donald Trump. And now watching the spin masters try and do something with it when there’s nothing there. But as I told Bill. Please keep it up. I love this happening because it’s going to make for a great election in about 18 months
  14. 1 point
    Well since there was no crime to obstruct there can’t be obstruction. And I love watching you dance around about convictions and indictments and all that bullshit when absolutely none of them had anything to do with Trump and the Russia collusion lie that you probably posted on this thread what five 600 times? I love watching you guys dance. You got yourself so emotionally into this you can’t back away and look at it with any kind of objectivity at all. So you’ll have to explain to me what criminal act that was being investigated where he supposedly obstructed that investigation. I will answer that before you do. There is none. Keep it up though! The elections are coming and I like seeing this happen.
  15. 1 point
    Super awesome. I’m no lineman, but I dig it Thank you much
  16. 1 point
    If your doing a tandem then make sure to pay extra for a video..I did a tandem back in early 90s when I was 14yrs old.(illegal hehe) but my dad was cool and his friend had more jumps then I could count. Im on jump 9 and went thru the static line course. AFF course puts you right into the skydiving experience. I wouldn't even question it an just do it. The cost is no different then if you bought a car you didn't need. The money is well worth the experience an what you get out of the sport money cannot buy. Best of luck to you an come to Weeping Water Ne (Lincoln Sport Parachute Club) if you ever drive thru Nebraska. Blue skies my friend. Don't think about it. Just do it
  17. 1 point
    Since there is only one president at a time - (It's not reasonable to compare the sitting president to a future president.) We are forced to compare to the past . . . For instance: "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!" Or, perhaps: "Mission Accomplished!" Or, even: "I am NOT a crook!" Last one - I promise - “If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it” The answer to your question is simple - Besides the joke of "How can you tell when a politician is lying . . . their lips are moving" You have to wait and see. Research and deduce. Use critical thinking. The last part would take being unbiased, for the most part, as the bias degrades the critical thinking ability.
  18. 1 point
    You’re mixing shit up my friend. The part about collusion was incredibly clear. Now the part about obstruction is the bullshit that the Democrats, and you as you’re committed follower are grabbing onto to try to save face. You better get different news sources because you’re looking silly.
  19. 1 point
    Now there’s some spin! At least from the report we know there is absolutely no collusion between Trump, anybody on the Trump team, and any American citizen to do that. Yet you’re going to pull that out of your butt and say it’s still real? Come on you’re better than that!
  20. 1 point
    Why Wouldn’t he.? The law states unless you helped gather those documents illegaly, learning about them is nothing wrong. But then you don’t care about that either. But we also know that Hillary paid for the PP document that was used for the fisa warrants which started this whole thing which was a bunch of bullshit from the beginning. You’re losing and you just can’t see it. How long is it gonna take before you run out of straws?
  21. 1 point
    Yep. And it’s got nothing to do with the accusation. It has everything to do with having evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. The president doesn’t have to prove he’s innocent. The prosecutor has to prove his guilty. But you guys don’t give a fuck about that This thing was written as a political document open shit up the way you’re seeing it. To give the rabid mouth foaming crap that Is needed to keep the fraud going. But in the end it’s not gonna matter. No collusion. That’s for damn sure. No obstruction.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Some? How many is some? Which ones? Why won't they list the names and/or sources? What makes them an authority on what would be damaging? Citing Government officials . . . What qualifies one as a government official - having a government office - or is a cubicle sufficient? "Their Material"? Who's material - What is their political ideological background. The article you quoted looks a lot like they are trying to stir a pot to get a reaction and promote sales via viewing, while being as vague and ambiguous as possible for future deniability. There is a description for that . . . Two words - I wonder what those are.
  24. 1 point
    Why does this go unanswered?
  25. 1 point
    I don’t think a tandem is necessary before AFF. I went into it with no tandem or tunnel time — if I was to go back and do it all over again I’d do a short tunnel session first, just to be comfortable with what arching feels like in freefall, but wouldn’t do a tandem. That said, if you’re on the fence about whether or not you really want to skydive, and just want to experience freefall without having to worry about doing a bunch of skill things, then sure, do the tandem. But if you’re pretty sure you want to go all the way with it, then it’s not really necessary. Once you get licensed, that $220 will go a lot further
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