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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2024 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    The Evolution used a 3-riser configuration. Pretty crappy canopy with close to zero flare.
  2. 3 points
    It's just math. Any competent electrician can give you an estimate for an install. Costs can vary widely. Depends on what space you have in your box, if your current service has enough capacity, where your box is and where the car will charge. Costs for the EVSE (charger cord) also vary. Decent ones are a few hundred. For the actual 'juice' costs, figure out how much you're going to drive it. How far do you commute to work? How many days per week? How often to you run to the store(s)? How far? Easiest way is to track the mileage you're driving your current car. How many miles per month? Then find out how much power the car you're interested in uses. For example, my Bolt is rated to deliver 3.9 miles per kilowatt/hour (kWh). So if I drive 39 miles, I should use 10 kWh. Just like in an ICE vehicle, your mileage will vary. But it's a good place to start. Look at your electrical bill, see how much you're paying for electricity. National average is around $0.16/kWh. But it varies a LOT. Plus some places offer 'off peak' discounts. That means you set a timer (built into the car) so it charges in the middle of the night when demand is lowest. Figure out miles driven, juice used and the cost for that juice. Myself, I usually drive between 500 and 600 miles per month. Because it's so cheap to operate, I found myself driving the Bolt more than I expected. It's cheaper to drive that than my motorcycle (~45mpg). My electrical bill went up $35-$40 per month. I have pretty cheap juice, I pay around $0.11 (eleven cents) per kWh. WAAAAAAAY less than I was paying for gas, even in the summer when I would ride the motorcycle as much as practical.
  3. 3 points
    They could be conflating two different chutes in two different rigs on two different cards. It's that "also an integral part of this chute" line that gets me. But they wouldn't know any info about the pilot chute unless they opened the rig and got the info off of the part itself. *Shrug*
  4. 3 points
    PeaceLoveAndForeverBlueSkies to us all!! PatheticLoser PL -777 DannyDan
  5. 2 points
    As I have contemplated the end of this forum it seems like facing the prospect of losing a large partly dysfunctional family all in one fell swoop. Of course it has been slowly dying anyway but some of the participants that are still here are outstanding in many so ways. At this time however I would like to thank the mods for their decision to let pretty much anything go in the dying days. The resultant decline in the quality of the discourse by allowing people of such low ability to think rationally is making it a lot easier for me to prepare myself for the loss. Seriously, it was the right thing to do for other reasons as well. I certainly will miss the chance to interact with some great people in a way that I will probably never be able to replace but at least I will also never have to deal with the crazy nonsense that comes across my screen.
  6. 2 points
    Hi Jake, I 'think' I remember them as being something ParaFlite toyed with in the early '90's. IMO they were a solution looking for a problem that did not exist. This, of course, assumes you mean those for sport canopies. Jerry Baumchen
  7. 1 point
    I guess it is a confusing question as to who’s President these days. I’ll admit that.
  8. 1 point
    I think it was a T-28A,, can't confirm the dates owned but tracked an N number to Hayden then found a match was a T-28A in 1971... He may have had more than one plane over the years, but these were obtained by civilians for aerobatics in the 1960's. Two seater. So, probably a T-28A, not 100% certain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_T-28_Trojan Later, he had a Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
  9. 1 point
    You're right! There are approximately 50 cases a year worldwide where cars are used as weapons, killing about a dozen people. Meanwhile in the US alone there are 30,000 gun deaths a year. But since you are upset about the 50 and not the 30,000, let's put more regulations in place. Let's require everyone to get training before they are allowed to drive a car, including how to operate it and how to obey traffic laws. Let's test everyone before they ever get to drive by themselves, so we know they are safe drivers. Let's require a license, and require regular renewals of that license, along with more testing. Let's require insurance for those cars, so that 1) there is a way to pay people who are harmed by your car and 2) provide incentives for you to drive safely. Let's require registration of each car so we can keep track of them for purposes of things like recalls and theft. Let's require BACT safety features in each car, like brakes, pedestrian crumple zones, airbags, horns, brake lights and bumpers. Let's create traffic laws, signage, traffic lights and traffic controls to increase safety. Let's create a police force dedicated to enforcing traffic laws. Let's ban cars in places like the interiors of airports, courtrooms, hospitals etc and clearly delineate where they are allowed to be operated - and be parked. I am sure you will agree that all these are necessary. Then we do all that for guns - and perhaps we can get that US total down to, say, 10,000.
  10. 1 point
    Even shitting his pants is a deliberate tactic to distract his adversaries
  11. 1 point
    Simple - We don't let them liberal varmints in this har state. :)
  12. 1 point
    Do you have any idea how gullible you come across?
  13. 1 point
    Sounds like a punk band
  14. 1 point
    Nooooooooo no no no no. You can tell the difference because those are the other guys.
  15. 1 point
    I should of bugged Her more... In place of emojis..(whatever), Infinity symbol, Green,red,green heart, the blue hugging emo
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