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6 pointsAs I have contemplated the end of this forum it seems like facing the prospect of losing a large partly dysfunctional family all in one fell swoop. Of course it has been slowly dying anyway but some of the participants that are still here are outstanding in many so ways. At this time however I would like to thank the mods for their decision to let pretty much anything go in the dying days. The resultant decline in the quality of the discourse by allowing people of such low ability to think rationally is making it a lot easier for me to prepare myself for the loss. Seriously, it was the right thing to do for other reasons as well. I certainly will miss the chance to interact with some great people in a way that I will probably never be able to replace but at least I will also never have to deal with the crazy nonsense that comes across my screen.
3 pointsIt has made it significantly easier to let go of this place. I hadn't realized that Q still existed, so there's that. Thanks for your work over the years here Bill, seriously appreciate the effort the greenies put in here.
2 points
2 pointsThe embassy she repeatedly begged republicans fund the defense of? That they repeatedly refuse to fund? That was attacked as feared?? Totally her fault for asking for funds. American ignorance still floors me, yet here we are.
2 points
2 pointsAgain, what conservative-run cities don't have any poverty or ghettos? Wendy P.
2 pointsBecause education costs money that many don't want to pay. Because gun laws are universally opposed by the right. Because police get demonized when they stop certain sorts of rioters. Because violence against police gets justified by Trump supporters. Because of people like you, basically.
1 pointI actually never got a warning... I must be a perfect angel Either that or too boring to bother Wendy P.
1 pointThe truth is, it is a bipartisan failure, repeated through years of both Republican and Democratic control of Congress. In 2010, Democrats cut $142 million from the Administration's requests for State Department funding. (see Author) Bottom line - "We" failed. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/05/the-real-benghazi-scandal/275950/ For those who don't know how to disable a paywall; copy/paste the url into a Brave Browser.
1 point
1 point
1 pointApparently, I am not allowed to speculate... Limbach speculates about Skip, Cunningham speculates about the flight path timing... you are never critical of their claims.. never question obvious errors. I do believe speculation is required to move this case. You might have a bias. You just want to argue this aggressively to defend Cossey's NB6 dubious claim.. Guess what, you still can't corroborate it or reconcile the inconsistencies. We only have Cossey's claim and a lot of red flags flying everywhere... that is a FACT. I am sure if you were being completely objective, you would not accept Cossey's claim as fact. It is that obvious. Contrary to your bizarre prior assertion, the burden of proof is really on the affirmative not the negation. Cossey's claim must be proven true, not false. People make false claims all the time... sometimes they lie, sometimes they are mistaken... a claim is not a fact. We have many conflicts and red flags that raise significant doubts about Cossey's NB6 claim.. both the packing card and Cossey's claim cannot be true... Since there is absolutely ZERO corroboration for Cossey's claim it can't be accepted as true. I don't have to prove it was false, I just reconciled his statement within the evidence..
1 pointI think it was a T-28A,, can't confirm the dates owned but tracked an N number to Hayden then found a match was a T-28A in 1971... He may have had more than one plane over the years, but these were obtained by civilians for aerobatics in the 1960's. Two seater. So, probably a T-28A, not 100% certain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_T-28_Trojan Later, he had a Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
1 pointI'm sure you believe that. But then again, you also believe that Trump agreed to a brilliant plan to get the US out of Afghanistan and then Biden screwed it all up.
1 point
1 pointThe words where you said Fauci told him to talk about bleach and you could tell that for sure because of a look? The words where you said all the papers were lying about what Trump said but couldn’t find a single example? That whole thing was classic dude. Remember you were so embarrassed by it you just left until now? Why are you doing it all again?
1 pointWhat large cities DON'T have downtrodden areas? It's poverty, not race. It's lack of safe housing, not race. It's the hollowing out of decent jobs that pay enough to live somewhere. There are ghettos of all kinds (I didn't specify race, you did). Wendy P.
1 pointYour own article contains more people from the military and Trump’s own administration saying that. But I get the you can’t be expected to read your own source. It’s never been your strong point.
1 pointA mass killing. What amateurs. Gotta get them some big boy toys. Wendy P.
1 point
1 pointYeah, exactly. Trump’s deal as it was written was a fucking disaster, so afterwards Trump’s people come and and say ‘well obviously we weren’t going to do what we agreed to do!” Come on man, how blindly partisan are you? Power sharing with the Taliban? Unbelievably stupid - the Taliban were never going to share power after Trump allowed them to rebuild into a force that could simply take everything. Did you even read that article? The military says that guy is full of shit. Other people from inside the Trump administration say he’s full of shit. The ‘plan’ he outlines is pure fantasy. This really is the bleach all over again. Why do you put yourself through this given how incredibly embarrassing that was for you?
1 pointObviously you’re going to lie about the fact that you’re lying. That’s just taken for granted. You’ve never seen a hole you didn’t want to dig deeper. Like the bleach and the UV.
1 pointYou know how painfully transparent it is that you’re just trying to cover up that you’re a lying fantasist, right? If there was no point, you wouldn’t have posted anything on the topic at all, let alone continuing to post even after getting hammered for your ignorance and partisan denial of reality. But you are still posting, because you care about not being seen to be totally wrong. Which all means it’s pretty obvious that if you had something, you’d say what it was. But you obviously don’t, because you’re making it all up.
1 pointSo I need to look for someone saying something about Afghanistan and the only hint is that it wasn’t Trump? Yeah, no. How about stop playing stupid games to cover up your own ignorance? Think you can manage that just once in the history of this site? Say what you mean, link what you think you have. What kind of plan was it to leave the Afghan defence forces unsupported to suffer terrible casualties, and allow a massive Taliban resurgence during 2020? Trump’s plan was exactly he said it was during his campaign, during his Presidency, and during his second campaign - leave foreign wars alone and damn the consequences. By the time Biden got in it would have taken another troop surge just to get back to the stability the country had in 2019, and all the while Trump would have been blasting the war mongering democrats for ignoring his deal and dragging the US back into the quagmire, and you know it.
1 pointNow now. Don’t be being facts and data into an ideology discussion!
1 point
1 pointThere are those that want to do violence in every European country too. However, because guns are much harder to obtain, they ALL have much lower murder rates than the USA. Your arguments are silly, invalid, and not supported by the data. As usual.
1 pointYes, your imagination. That’s the source for your reliable assertion that Biden ignored the withdrawal agreement by adhering to what it said, and reneged on it by not reneging on it like Trump was going to. You do see that you have to be a fully paid up MAGA cult member not to see how insane that is, right? Let me guess, after the terms of the agreement resulted in the overthrow of the Afghan government Trump gave an interview saying “well of course I was never going to follow my own plan!” And you believe him. So why had he already abandoned the Afghan defence forces by mid 2020? Why did he leave our allies to fight and die alone while he was still in charge?
1 point
1 point
1 pointI don't find it 'funny' that people are gullible enough to believe this kind of bullshit. But there sure are a lot of them, enough in fact, to elect Trumpty Dumpty to a second term.
1 pointYou have made very broad claims here about how business practices, negotiations, and employee hirings are best handled. Fine and fair enough. Please tell us what business you are in or what position you hold to give context and authority to your assertions.
1 pointWhat negotiations? Says who? They already negotiated a binding agreement, they already signed a binding agreement. Who is 'he'? And why on earth do you think 'he' would be pressuring the Afghan government to allow troops to remain when 'he' just went behind the Afghan government's back and signed a deal with the Taliban to leave and let them get on with it? This is fucking insane. It's a fantasy. It is based on nothing but your obvious need to kiss the orange ass. Trump stopped fighting the Taliban in early 2020. He left the Afghan defence forces alone and unsupported for a year before Biden took office, a year in which they crumbled and the Talban surged. And seriously - let's get this straight. I asked you specifically what part of the agreement Biden reneged on, right? And you are actually saying that Biden reneged on reneging on it... because it was always Trump's plan to renege on it? Fucking hell son, we've had our share of hardcore fanatics in here but you score a solid 10 out of 10 on the Kool Aid scale, you really do. Biden did not trust them, Trump did. Biden was faced with either reneging on Trump's binding agreement and instituting another massive troop surge just to regain the position that Trump gave away, or adhering to Trump's agreement and accepting that Afghanistan was already lost.
1 pointSo in other words a REAL negotiator goes back on settled terms, and settles them when he might not be able to complete the transaction. Remind me not to do business with you. Wendy P.
1 pointI am indeed old. The rest of your opinions are as stupid and fact-free as your other posts.
1 point