I consider myself nothing more than a vortex tailgater, I am not even inside the stadium in the upper deck when it comes to any of this so I hope I am not overstepping...
Both of you guys are tremendous researchers and investigators, period.
Fly, your case knowledge, relentless research abilities and unique insights are an asset to the vortex...it really challenges people to think outside the box and that is critical. You are an extremely tough debater, are you a lawyer also lol ! Regarding the picture you have, my only ask is... is the picture from 11/24/71 ?
Similarly, Ryan's legal background, organization/leadership/research skills and sharing of content have raised the level of the vortex "experience" to new levels. I don't have a personal relationship with anyone, but I have always found Ryan to be a gentlemen.
You guys have epic debates that would make the Vortex forefathers proud ! My two cents are to continue, but agree to disagree BEFORE it gets too hot or personal. Just keep it above the belt and walk away before it goes too far....
With respect to the sketches, I lean toward sketch B/Grant...
- Sketch A seems too plastic, one dimensional (lacks depth), younger and not life like, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have anything to offer. It shows more of a slender/longer face and the thin nose.
- Sketch B is more life like, has the olive skin and carries an appearance of appropriate age. It does look a little more, for lack of a better word, threatening where as Bing looks a little more harmless....not sure how to account for this, was Cooper's overall countenance/aura a threatening one ?
Because these are frontal images, I don't really see a protruding lip, perhaps a little in sketch B because it has more depth and dimension.
When it comes to Flo's Dracula sketch, that one looks like Scarecrow sprinkled some of his hallucinogenic dust on her prior to the drawing.....I have no idea where to go with that one.
Another part that I struggle with, witnesses seem to have indicated that Cooper was generally not good looking. But where does he fall on the ugly scale and which sketch captures this? We use Bing Crosby and Carrie Grant as names for the sketches, but both of the actors were fairly handsome men....On a scale of 1 to 10, where did Cooper fall ? I am guessing a 5 ?
I do think there is some validity to information gathered closer to the event being more accurate. In this case, sketch B was done in 1972 which isn't that long after the event so maybe this isn't quite as an issue as it might have been if it was done say in 1975 or something.
Well, enough overstepping for me, have a great day.