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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2025 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I disagree. The measure of success of a government is support of its people's freedoms, providing for essential basic services and defending the country against its enemies. It is not to make a profit. If a company lets itself be taken over by another company, and its shareholders double their money, that company is successful. If Russia took over control of the US and the people here got a hefty payout from Putin - would you consider that a success? So you support hiring unqualified white straight men over qualified black, LGBT or female candidates? Because DEI is the opposite of that. DEI is "hire the best candidate REGARDLESS of race or sex or orientation or religion." So no medical facilities in the military? No VA hospitals? No GI bill? No airshows? No recruiting? No on-base housing? Because none of those has anything directly to do with killing people. OK. So Melania Trump and Elon Musk flouted the rules. Is that acceptable because they are white? Or is it unacceptable, and should be held accountable? So no breast reduction surgery for female high school swimmers who might have a shot at the Olymics if they get it? No hair transplants for 15 year old boys who are losing all their hair? No breast augmentation for a 17 year old girl who has such lopsided breasts that she is bullied mercilessly? I think that their parents - and not you - are in a better position to decide. White straight men are all terrified that the special treatment they have gotten for 300 years or so is coming to an end. I can't get too upset about that. A president who does nothing, and lets Congress make all the decisions, is vastly preferable to a president who destroys democracy in the US. Indeed, that is how the Founding Fathers pictured the presidency to work. Harris would have been a president. Trump is working towards being a king. Sad that weak people support kings over presidents. You chose him. He is your guy,
  2. 1 point
    I guess 'Mericans will have to learn to speak and spell proper now that English is the official language of the USA. I think all official documents should be written in Cockney dialect.
  3. 1 point
    You vote for someone thoroughly malevolent, WTF do you expect?
  4. 1 point
    One weekend at Perris Cap't Hooks Sky Pirates were practicing their 10 man speed stars and told everybody that after they got together anybody else could come in on their formation, I got 4 20 man's in a row that day, there is something to be said about "the good old days".
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