I emailed the factory but they've been slow to respond.
I have a vector II size "4 1/2" container. I bought it with a Falcon 215 with dacron lines. My rigger has repeatedly reminded me that the 215 "barely fits." I'm looking to downsize to a Sabre 190 (yes i'm broke), but looking at the pack volume charts from the vector owners manual, and the chart from paragear i've come up with the following numbers:
suggested container volume: 450-550
Vector Manual:
Falcon 215: 480
Sabre 190: 415
Falcon 215: 465
Sabre 190: 500
I understand that are various factors associated with the tests that produced these resulting "pack volumes," but I hope you can understand my confusion regarding the large variation in results for the sabre, as well as the low falcon numbers corresponding to a tight fit in a container that should take 70+ more sq/in.
All I really want to know is will my container hold a Sabre 190? If the falcon 215 is tight but close-able, then my guess would be yes?
Also, can any canopy attach to any risers? or does it have to be "compatible?"
I would go see my rigger to figure this out, but I live 2.5 hours from the DZ and want to get a deal done for the canopy.
I hope I've provided enough information, thanks in advance