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Everything posted by ClassClown
..Yes and they left holding hands.................
.....................Exactly...................Knoss's stories have more holes in it............well more holes than my neighbor's driveway which is full of pot holes..................Knoss please enlighten me with another"story" of yours..................I like a good laugh now and then and you my friend have given me many a belly full of laughs
........It doesn't take a cooper expert or any kind of expert to see that Bob Knoss is a complete fantasy world employee........heck he might be the owner.................the thing I see about Knoss is that I believe he believes his own garbage....................
...................Heading into a tough weekend....................God Bless all of you......................
...............been battling health problems myself.................kidney failure sucks...................good luck with your own health Jo....I know I've pissed a lot of folks off on here......but I wouldn't wish this kidney problem on my worst enemy.....................take care everyone
..............or help you for that matter................
.....................Seriously, does this Knoss guy actually think anyone here at DZ believes any of his crap?
"Aug 14, 2009 – Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme, who was convicted in 1975 of pointing an empty gun at then-President Gerald Ford, was released from prison today ..." I knew "Alice" and I CAN prove it because she is still alive. BUT, you will NEVER believe THAT either! She said she wouldn't bite, but Terry said she would! (:E3) Truth is stranger than fiction! Just a matter of accuracy. And the kid lied about the $15. Ask Mac. Ask Jerry! Look at the balance of the money recovered. Figure it out. Our second Dick and Jane Award recipient! ..................I am related to Squeaky Fromme
Cooper curse = more than one person here this all applies to.... Leave it to Orange to keep the Cooper Curse going! Of course I take her statements personally because that is exactly what she intends - she is Female. The Cooper Curse: Exists only because of the inadequate ability of the FBI to maintain - one capable agent to compile research on such cases as this. What has that Cost them? Too Much! Over 40 yrs no one really knows how man agents were assigned this case along with all of their other duties. This as resulted in no continuation of accurate knowledge of the case and lots of government dollars used to research and to investigate things not necessary. The FBI dropped the ball. This could have been avoided by allowing older agents to stay longer - working only cold cases. I do believe this is NOW being done, but only in the last few yrs. The mandatory retirement age was in the prime of life for these senior agents - just when their real investigative abilities stepped in. As for Cooper - it is now too late. I would be impossible for one agent to review all of the files and leads presented over the last 40 yrs. It is doubtful some of the leads ever made it to the agent in charge and they had other crimes to take care of and with little knowledge of what the files contained. An assimilation of every call made to the FBI about Cooper and ever lead that seemed to go in a direction or feel good - just might all be traced back to a possible suspect. Such as "I used to know this guy who worked with me in the 40's in XYZ - he was always getting in trouble and he resemble that guy who worked with me". Did the receiving agent record the source and location and contact information for the caller? If so was this information ever given to an agent knowledgeable of the crime? How many of these mulitple calls might have been traced back to one single source or suspect? The FBI created the Curse if you choose to call it that. Everytime I got a lead - I tried to follow it with what I had at my disposal and have made this available to individuals. Certain documentations I could never get hard copies nor verify - because the are Government document not available to me. 1. Duane's SS records from 1962 to 1968 under John C. Collins. 2. The detailed prison record and mug shot from the Jefferson Prison. 3. The paper stating Weber had parachute training in the 40's - something within the files of a family member who deceased and the receiving party would not make available. 4. The criminal or government file on a man connected to Weber - by the name of Roach. 5. Any trace of his connection to the man known to me as Ed Horan...the man just doesn't exist. 6. Duane's connections to JMWAVE organization was NEVER investigated by the FBI. They never spoke to the man he loaned 5K to back in 1972 - how did Duane get that kind of money to loan his boss and why? 7. Who was Tommy Gunn and what was his relation to Duane Weber. 8. Tony Wong also knew Weber during a time frame Duane knew Tommy - remember Tommy called Duane - "John". 9. Why didn't the FBI interview the children involved in Duane's life from 1962 to 1972? All I have is my voice and my key board and limited funds to conduct the investigation into the background of Weber. I have done what I can do and now after 16 yrs there is little I can do other than hope for a miracle that this crime will be solved. Those who came forward 40 yrs ago, 30 yrs ago,20 yrs ago and 10 yrs ago - none of us have access to those names and files. How many links could have been there which would have traced back to one common suspect. The FBI did not keep those kind of records and now after 40 yrs not one agent would ever be able to find the needle in the haystack. I wish there was some way to put my memory of that trip in 1979 on a film and have recorded the things Duane told me and showed me. If I told another story about that - trip, NO one would ever believe a word I have said before (if anyone even believes what I have said). I did touch on our trip to Tahoe and the things he pointed out along the way - so very strange that now these things seem important. Not sure if I did this in the thread or some place else, but it has been said in the past. Remember Duane left me at THE DALLES for 5 1/2 hours on our way to Seattle. Never knew where he went. When we left Seattle to Vancouver and then to Portland we drove along the Columbia on the OR. side until we reached a road that would take us to Mt Hood (Mt or town - I don't know).. This is when we turned around and headed back toward Portland and he announce we were going to Tahoe. I asked if we could afford it and he told me they gave him a cash bonus at the meeting in Seattle - (bull - they gave him a check and I found this in the tax records). Heading back to Portland we turned ( I left the old Osha Map in Ca in 2004 so the marked route is forever gone). This was a map I marked of the places we went to on our way to Tahoe. This map showed the entire 1/2 of the USA with little detail of course - but it is all I had. I will have to do the detail on this trip later. I have some place I have to be in a little while. Some one might want to dig up the place I retraced this trip before just to be sure.
............been sick for a while......................reading Knoss's posts have become tiresome while trying to play catch up.......................I was about to start skipping them.......but i finally caught up with everyone else......................can always depend on the DZ for entertainment.....even while attempting to recover from illness.................carry on friends, carry on..................I'm glad to be back.........I might not be as annoying.....kinda humbled now.................but I'll try to return to form......................take care ya' all..............Quote
Anyone got a link to Marla's Facebook account?
......................I'D LIKE TO TAKE THE TIME TO WISH EVERYONE HERE AT DZ A MERRY CHRISTMAS.................................
......................also she(Marla)had to have known that any background info that she wasn't proud of could possibly be dug up and thrown at her considering the type of slueths we have here at DZ........................
.................I'm with Vicki and Orange..............sjsmith created a profile with the intent of splashing Marla's dirty laundry on here in order to hurt her......................whatever the motiviation was, the basic intent was to hurt her and her having said that I must declare that the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior..................Marla admits that everything sjsmith posted is if she carried on a 20 year ruse within her own family what makes you think she is not capable of carrying on a ruse with her DB Cooper story......................while I do not like the sjssmith post there is something to take away from it..........................
..........I liked her answers too Farflung.....................I kinda hoped she'd answer mine.....................
.................Marla?..................How about some straight up answers concerning your family?.........what were the ages of your brother and sister at the time of the crime?...................................what do they remember about your uncles during that time frame and while I know that your brother is rather proctective of you, what is his stance concerning your claims? you recall how the comics were fastened to the walls? last question........................................when and who turned you on to Dropzone?..............................
Thank You, Georger. I can assure you that everything I ever said about this man is true. JT is responsible for the FBI not investigating Weber the way they investigated other suspects. How or why they have gone as far as they have with the LD Cooper things totally is out of character for the FBI and tells me they just want to hang the case out to dry. NOW regarding Marla: Again we (you guy - I will sit this one our) take on a writer and teach them the facts about the crime as we all mentored Blevins. I will start this off with ONE big mistake - Plagurism and taking of her story from all of stories told about Cooper suspects. Note she says "man on the ground" How many time as it been printed what Duane Weber told me in 1979"That's were Cooper walked out of the Woods" and I asked him "How would you know" and he replies "Maybe I was the one on the ground". It was always my belief that he was trying to cover up his statement. Yet, I never looked back on the statement until I learned 1 yr and 2 months after he died and said "I'm Dan Coooper" that Dan Cooper was D.B. Cooper. This resulted in a 15 yr search for the Marla could never survive. This old cookie has survived to continue her battle for the truth, but I do not have the time or energy to expend on the likes of someone who rides on the work and research of others. Infact I am running out of time -period. An observations from a non writer - Bloody T-Shirt . I caught this right away, but Cooper could have removed his shirt. Sounds more like a bar fight to me. If Marla remembers he had on a T-Shirt at the age of 8 perhaps she also remembers what pants he had on. What was he wearing when he left. She will now add this to her story. Marla sounds like the writer who wanted to write a story about Duane - the one who did 12 hrs of tapes and then does a query letter with NOT one word of truth. Fired him with that - it would be the truth or nothing at all. I have stood firm on that all of these yrs and hopefully there are those of you who respect that. [RED]My memories are those of woman who was 40 yrs old and now 30 + yrs later and telling my story since 1996 it has NOT changed even though certain individuals have tried to discredit me at every turn.[/RED] Those who consider this a game cannot keep up with themselves and are quickly dismissed by those seeking REAL answers to this Cooper saga. I have said in recent days - Show me the proof Duane was NOT Cooper and the FBI has NOT done that in 15 yrs. They thought I would just die and go away. If they had proof DUANE WEBER was not Cooper why used up 15 yrs of my life. All I have ever asked of them was prove he was NOT. Not one iota. They cannot even produce the Jefferson Federal Prison fingerprints. Not producing those fingerprints is their error in judgement. Carr came up with the 1944 prints from Stillacoon (McNeil file), but never has the FBI explained WHY Webers prints under John Collins in Jefferson - did NOT reveal a 4 time Felon by the name of Duane L. Weber. I was recently looking at old files: I communicated with Jefferson before the FBI realized I was moving on in my search. My communications with the prison prior to 2000 indicated John Collins and 2 others names connected to Weber were residents there in the late sixities. I had nothing to prove I was the widow of John Collins. Prior to FBI coming to this thread I was denied the Jefferson file and Duane Weber was not connected to the John Collins file per 2 emails I had with the prison and a phone conversation. FBI refused to provide me with the materials and then a few months later the file is on a Mo. site and the back paperwork is destroyed. They have him listed there as Duane L. Weber. Does not anyone find that odd? It was not until I brought it to Carr that Duane L. Weber was connected to the John Collins file. Someone did some fancy foot work (paper work) to move Weber on out of the picture. Excuse me I had a problem with this and the FBI's own actions gave birth to the CIA, coverts or soldier of fortune stories. Plus the stories told to me by the ex-wife and places they lived (always on the move) and the stories told to me by Weber - that matched. Except Duane's stories were always in 3rd person. She denied knowing what he did, because he would be gone for wks at a time and he always came back with money. They moved to and lived in all of the locations certain programs where worked out of. SO what's a girl to think? P.S. HOW convenient the military lost LD Cooper's prints. Surely he had other prints on file some place - how convenient this is going to be with the items they retrieved that supposedly belonged to LD in Eugene. If those prints match they will declare LD as Cooper, but the FBI already knows my story about this the location. Nothing I spoke about on this thread, but communicated to the FBI. I also covered my ass by telling the story to others before talking to the FBI. The timing of the Eugene connections is weird, but it is a small world today. I made sure others knew what I said so the FBI could NOT just brush it under the table - but, again I wait, but i won't wait long. bout you show some proof that Duane was Cooper?..............................................
..............Welcome Marla...................prepare for an adventure....................
Your attitude seems disingenuous and your all caps and concatenated ellipses way of writing isn't helping your cause...what ever it is. ....................oh and concatenated ellipses? Would you rather I use *************? or maybe ^^^^^^^^^^^?
Why are you attempting to hold her to a different standard than the rest of the posters? Most of what I read on here is rambling bullshit and hardly anyone stays on topic or on point. Your attitude seems disingenuous and your all caps and concatenated ellipses way of writing isn't helping your cause...what ever it is. ...................I'm not holding anyone to any standard..............simply asking a question.................and I do not have a you have a cause?
Never mind all your above BS........................Jo please answer Orange1's question................."Are you even prepared to consider the fact that he had nothing to do with Cooper? In other words - do you REALLY want to know who he was, or do you just want to prove he was Cooper?" ..............................................PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING BUT THIS.......................NO RAMBLING BULL SHIT....................JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION.................
.....If you would read the thread, then you would have known already...............................and since you refuse to take my advice and readit, then you might as well go to youtube and watch vicki's dad's unsloved mystery episode......................................
...................nah everything is fine this go 'round.................................please proceed with caution...................
Classclown, Please forgive me for not going back through and reading every one of the over 29000 comments in this particular forum and making the mistake of asking perfectly valid question. There was a specific reason WHY I asked that question because I wanted to see if it agreed with some private communication I had received recently from a source that is independent of this forum. up like I did and everyone else has....................................
Yeah...............especially when it's old news...............have you not read this thread? need to be repetitive arfuller.............. Seems to me this whole thread is the same info being discussed over and over. ...............Exactly........................same info being discussed over and over....................BY YOU.............