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Everything posted by ClassClown
Yeah...............especially when it's old news...............have you not read this thread? ...........................no need to be repetitive arfuller..............
There weren't any usable prints on the guitar strap. She heard that the money was lost on the way down. ...................arfuller, once again...............OLD NEWS...........everyone on here knows that..........................
......I just love it when you start talking in the third person........................I'll keep it short Jo...........................do you just sit around and dream some of this stuff up?
...........................Duane Weber was not Dan Cooper...........................simple enough.nada..nope.......never!
.................Jo, the above statement contains the word "basically"......................so are you admitting that you have changed your story? ..................wow, you're kinda wasting space here..............your old man has been ruled out by the FBI............................give it up.......................Weber was not Cooper..............you just admitted changing your story..................sometimes you type too much...................so much a Clown can see the errors of your ways..................now Marla's mom is where her story makes or breaks.............let's see where that goes.......................Jo, please no more............................I understand where JT tires of your act.....................I don't wanna be mean but............ahhh nevermind
.......................I'd like to hear more from Marla's mother........................Other than a small video appearance I've really never heard or read much about her....................................anybody got anything concerning Marla's mommy to post here? ...........................JT, Blevins............you guys claim to be experts on everything Cooper...................whatcha guys got on the mom?...............
just added a second large facial - above. I get a kick out of those Elvis sideburns. No doubt about who his idol was? Except nobody has commented about the sideburns? Marla hasnt to my knowledge? I have a feeling those sideburns were a fundamental part of his character at that stage of life ... wonder if he performed anywhere? Look at those long fingers of his. This guy's ex-wife is still alive. They lived at Vancouver from ~68-70. Wonder what those guitar straps are about - did he make those? I remember Marla saying he made the guitar straps. He gave them as Xmas presents. Marla gave the FBI the one he's holding to look for fingerprints and DNA if I remember correctly. Maybe Blevins has that in the 200 articles he's downloaded. >>Marla Cooper told ABC News that she has provided the FBI with a guitar strap and a Christmas photo of a man pictured with the same strap who she says is her uncle, Lynn Doyle Cooper.
....................That rings a bell for me........................
..............huh JT, what 4 people are you talking about concerning this Cooper Book Off?...................
I'd buy her a few drinks..........................yes............
..............I get sick for a few days and come back here and almost puke reading this Deathray dudes junk....................back to bed...........arrrggghhhh
..............That's my problem with Marla as well. ............Why would an FBI agent telling her certain things until everything is official...............you know if it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck and has long blonde hair...............it might just be a Duck Cooper.................I agree with JT wholeheartedly............
....Unless the FBI "misinformed" the media/public concerning the no match from LD's belongings to known DB items then we could very well see an FBI statement that indeed the case is closed..............................Could it be the FBI lied and told Marla to "spin the story"?.............................and now she's dropping bombs?.........................or is it just bad detective work by the FBI?
.................Don't count me in on believing her story............
I am not friends with Jo. I don't even believe her claims about her husband being Cooper..........................I just think you're hitting below the belt with your attacks on her.............oh and the polygraph thing again?..Really?...................Why don't you put those tapes online and link them to us so we can all hear this so-called evidence that proves Jo Weber is a liar.............it's not that hard........I mean you do have friends that could do it for ya dont you?................
Get back on subject - answer the question. I'd like to hear the answer as well
and your posts come back to haunt you...............
I kinda like this one.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIU_0DG_xAU&feature=related
..............JT, by the way I do agree with you that Cooper died that night.....................so we are on the same page as far as that goes...............I just think you like to have your name out there...........it's a rush for ya................don't take it personal big fella..............
JT YOU know that is NOT true. The MT I spoke of with the 3 fishing cabins (one of which the foundations was left). Almost missing his turn on I- 14 because of the changes. You are the ONE who insisted I was on the OR side and you KNOW that is not true...YOU are the one who insisted Duane turned me around and WE were back on the Columbia. I said NOT and you know it. Just how or why did you not get my Mountain. I was specific about this MT not too far from where the 3 cabins had been on the water...turns out that was Lake LaCames. I described that MT in detail and what was on top of it. The wire fence and the gate and the dead tall trees and the large boulders - like an old homestead,...weird feeling like a cemetary with the boulders as grave markers. Everyone else in WA knew where this was and you didn't? and JT thinks I'll be banned when he is constantly calling you a liar and posting that you are damaging the Weber name?.........GEEZ!
No need for forgiveness JT..................for example(and you don't need to request to be interviewed if you're constantly putting your name out there) ...........: http://home.earthlink.net/~quade/dbcooper.html http://themountainnewswa.net/2011/02/11/on-the-hunt-for-db-cooper/ and who could forget "Who is Jerry Thomas"? http://n467us.com/Hunting%20DB%20With%20Jerry.htm .......and I just love the Jesse James/Billy the Kid reference.....http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20011122&slug=cooper22m.............................................................the Baker City Herald used to have an article about Jerry..uh i mean Cooper but it's no longer available.......................................http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/07/opinion/sunday/the-enigma-of-db-cooper.html............................http://johnkimsssg.posterous.com/video-where-is-db-cooper................................................................. and who could forget the The Today Show interview? http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/45452330/#null ..............http://articles.sfgate.com/2001-12-02/news/17630305_1_unsolved-skyjacking-fbi-ariel-cooper/3.........................enough?
........JT, I assume you are posting about my use of the term "Media Whore", Correct?............let me explain..........when I call you a "Media Whore", I am not talking about anything sexual............from the Urban Dictionary: Definition of Media Whore is a person who has a psychological need to get into TV, Film, Radio or Print.........................................................................Now if I get banned for expressing my opinion of you in such manner then "so be it"................I would think Quade would be understanding concerning such terminology................he seems to be a man of intelligence and fairness..............You on the other hand have attacked others on this forum with relentless zeal..........................do you dig it JT? .............Do you understand where I'm coming from?
Amen to that. ....I think a cordial debate would be even better, however JT would rather badger and harrass Jo than try and be a MAN about it...................your FBI tactics are stale............JT, you're still just a media whore in my opinion...................
No, I'm an honest guy JT................I was unable to attend................family in town and no connecting flights gave me no viable way of attending in a timely fashion..........................Having said that I do not believe Jo has any reason to post on the backside of my post......your attacks on Jo border on OCB................leave the old woman alone..................it makes you look rather he he he CLOWNISH..............
JT, did you miss me?.........................