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Everything posted by 1383

  1. I use to have line twist all the time. I didn't jump for 3 months in the winter ( i'm a sisi what can i say) and when i started jumping again I made a demo full ( just to be sure...) and i discovered i was unstable during opening. I've realized that i put my left hand to close to my head = a soft spin on opening = a line twist. After I've fixed this i get on heading opening all the time.
  2. He's reason was that after a a spining cannopy mal if the reserv will open too quickly like with an RSL that will resalt in a line twist on the reserv... and you defntly don't want that!
  3. Yesterday I finely bought my first rig a brand new coustom made voodoo with a 170 hornet and pd reserv . Me so Happy