From: Gayla Prociv, head honcho, Adventure Books of Seattle.
This is the second time I have posted to Dropzone, and again, for the same reason as a couple of years ago. Looks like both Robert Blevins and Mr. Warner have been banned again. For the same reason as last time, too. They can't seem to get along.
And also like last time, I have no problem with this. I have reviewed the last few pages with both their postings. Neither of you is blameless in this matter. I have Robert's side of the story, yes. He says Mr Warner posts up insulting comments on anything that he puts up here. I see some of that claim is true. However, Robert's responses to some of those insults were inappropriate.
My advice to both of you is to learn to get along somehow and if you are going to investigate the DB Cooper case on this thread, then some mutual respect is warranted. Personally, I couldn't care less about the Cooper case. It was nothing but a big headache for us from the start, and I haven't changed my opinion about that.
Robert tells me that the ban is probably temporary, but I'm sure the moderator of this forum isn't going to put up with a third time dealing with you two. So as I said, everyone needs to either get along, or move along.