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  1. I finished AFF on Saturday! I busted out the last 3 and got it done. It was so much fun.
  2. Thank you. I ended up not going that weekend due to a death in the family but I did make it this past weekend and successfully completed 3 & 4. It was really awesome. How are your jumps going? Have you completed AFF yet?
  3. This advice worked for me. My aff1 exit was completely unstable. Came on DZ.com and read the same suggestion about watching the plane on exit. I used that advice on my 2nd jump and had a great exit. I am hoping for the same on my next jump this weekend. Good Luck!
  4. I can completely relate to the container riding high, but I don't really have many options with the student rigs. At 4'9 even the smallest one they have is huge on me. I also spend a lot of time under canopy.
  5. I'm 39 and just started AFF. Skydiving is amazing.
  6. Did AFF 2 today and had a stable exit. I felt really good about that. Still need to perfect my arch and legs. Landing needs lots of practice. :) Turned a little to much so wasn't going into the wind and ended up sliding in on my butt. I didn't break anything so I consider that a plus.
  7. I'm Rach and new to skydiving. Just wanted to say hi to everyone and introduce myself since I have been lurking around on dropzone for a year taking in as much information as I could. I did my first 3 tandems last summer. Yesterday I did my AFF 1 at Kapowsin. It was awesome! I had an unstable exit but after a while it dawned on me I needed to relax my body and arch. With my instructor's help I got stable and the second instructor was able to dock and things seemed to go pretty smooth from there. While I was unstable I surprised myself that I felt so calm about the whole thing. It was like Oh yeah I need to be doing this and I did it. That makes me happy knowing I didn't freak out. I will say it was a fun ride. I had amazing instructors and so much fun. I can't wait to finish up my aff. Everyone I have met has been so friendly and helpful.
  8. I'm in the same boat as you. I did 3 tandems this summer just to make sure I liked it. 1st was from 13k ft 2nd 18k and 3rd 13k and talked my oldest daughter into joining me. I am also going to wait until spring to start aff and plan to do some tunnel time over the winter. The weather is not all that great in the PNW.