What i dont get is why a god would favour a minority (his followers) or even our species when he created everyone and everything, i find that a very anthroposcentric idea. I keep meaning to ask my theology lecturer his opinion on that.
Back to the actual topic, i like the Buddhist answer, i think more of an emphasis should be on living well and being ethical rather than praising a deity. Siddartha Gottama was asked where everything came from, he replied that if a man mortally wounds you with an arrow, that looking for the man who shot you wont help you, but seeking help for your wound will, equating this to his question of the beggining of the universe.
I would rather live my life well and when it comes to the time when i kick the bucket, its too late for anyone to say "i told you so" either way. I think there is an assumption in the link between religion and morality that just doesnt add up for me.
I dont really care either way if god exists but i guess in an argument im going to be backing the atheist, simply because i just look at religion and see holes.
I dont have issues with anyone who believes in religion as thats their choice, i do however second the votes that people who force their faith down other peoples throats are just plain out of line.
Apologies if this is quite disjointed.
P.S this thread is way to fluffy for the SC