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Everything posted by gnotz

  1. Hehe, thanks, I like not being a drug user and an addict.
  2. Hi all, As usual, sorry if this question has been asked before, I did a basic key word search and did not find any threads of the same subject matter. I just bought a used rig not knowing that it came from a smoking household. The whole thing reeks like an ashtray, totally nauseating. I feel like throwing the whole thing in the washer. So my question is, how can I, as good as possible, free the individual components of the rig from this disgusting stink without causing any harm to it? Thanks.
  3. I am not overweight (6ft, 180 lbs), and my family jewels are not in the way. Glad to hear I am not the only one with the pain problem. They make those pants for bicyclists that have foam built in. I think I might try some of those. Thanks for all the answers.
  4. So far I have only jumped with rented student gear. Hanging under the canopy, sitting in those leg straps is so painful to the groin that I can't enjoy the experience at all. After 2 jumps I had trouble walking the next day. Could not have imagined doing more. I have tried 3 different student rigs and had the same problem with all of them. Question: Is this a normal problem with student rigs? Are the leg straps on more advanced containers more anatomical or better padded? Is there better padding available? Who knows what I'm talking about and who can sympathize? If this continues and I can't fly the canopy without a bite-wood, I am not sure how I can stick with the sport that I otherwise love.