Danger- necropost...
I started jumping at Lakewood in 67, but went up to Sha Wan Ga Valley shortly thereafter.
Yes, it really existed, and yes, it was a helluva place to jump.
It was black jumpsuits and polio boots and 7Tu's and crossbow's and PC's and belly warts.
Jumping the 180 and a J3 and H34's.
Anyone who denies the existence is brain dead
But, The Spaced Rangers did exist...
We slid over to Stormville later in search of big A/C (the Lodestar) and big stars.
We did the first 20 man outside of CA, and i had it on film.
The yelling of Sha Wan Ga on take off came from this.
The pilot had no manuals, so we stuffed as many jumpers as we could into the bird (22 or so).
Take off's were mostly to the NE, and the walls of Greenhave Prison rose large in the windscreen on those hot summer days.
Ray Finneran (along with others from the old Hudson Valley Skydivers) started doing this magicians song (da da dada da da da dada) slowly as the plane started the take off roll, and increasing in tempo as the plane moved faster.
After a point everyone rasied both arms, palms skyward, in an attempt to will the Lodestar off of the runway.
When the wheels left the ground, everyone yelled SHA WAN GA.
Not that we were superstitious, but the plane never crashed while we did that.
Eventually we all moved over to The Ranch at Gardiner.
Good times, and good people.
I heard about Ray Finneran passing in April. I made a lot of jumps with Ray, including a trip to Elsinore when they were still flying Howard DGA 15's
Ken Yegella was another old time jumper and a great pilot, and i miss him as well.
I haven't jumped in a long time, but age and cuulative injuries kinda' catch up to you. S/F
Pat sends