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Everything posted by DangerousDan

  1. Sorry picture did not attach. Here it is:
  2. WN9PSQ (original call) checking in, also a ham, first licensed as a novice in 1974 and a successful master of the morse code at blistering 5 wpm, ur rst is 599 OM, but bad QRM and QRN at my QTH! Outstanding. 73 OM. Let's rig up a trailing wire HF antenna on your DC 3 Dan. I have the parts including an original C 47 28 volt motorized antenna reel. 377 377, you are right on (your) Mark! You will fly my DC-3 when this is all done. But for now - The survey yielded some great results, Some 40 individual people responded. The main question I wanted to know about was the scenario. The way I see it as a skydiver, you have one of several scenarios possible. Incidently, out of all responders, no one indicated that they thought he never jumped. I think thats a given, you do too. Of course he jumped. Now, any jumper, by definition, is going to fall into one of the categories I illustrated in question 8. I stacked the answers with 4 out of the five indicating that you think he died, one way or another! The fifth choice was "hands down" the group answer with more than 40 indicating that choice 5 was correct(opinion only) and only 2 people voting for one of two other scenarios. So: (Conclusions) One a note to Blevins: The notion that a jumper being stabbed by thousands icy knifes due to cold air (in your book) is sensationalism only. We used to jump on new years day in Illinois every year with temps on the ground zero to minus 10F. No prob. Into the blast? There is no blast in the protective bubble "Vacuum" of a 727. You can smoke a cigarette out there. A wild tumbling confused and disoriented jumper unable to pull the handle like your brilliant FBI says? You, the masses of DZ have spoken: No way. A no pull is the best way for the FBI to write this off the books. Look folks, this is easy. He was a jumper and correctly selected the strongest rig (from the choices)with the least drive, and strongest construction, and best pack job! What are you going to steer into, the least dark? If he got a good chute and walked away, which he did, then the FBI are government paid idiots that knew little about what they were doing at the time, and botched another investigation. The survey will be up a few more days and then I will post all summaries and percentages. With all due respect to each individual as a valid opinion holder, Dan Gryder If you would still like to participate in the survey, or see it, it is listed here:[url]http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=puwbdrom27xbq811008436
  3. Wow I had no idea there were that many people on here, results are already dumping in! Can somebody make me a sticky for tht link as my hot link feature doesnt seem to work. Thanks! http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=puwbdrom27xbq811008436
  4. "With all the QRN on this channel..." WN9PSQ (original call) checking in, also a ham, first licensed as a novice in 1974 and a successful master of the morse code at blistering 5 wpm, ur rst is 599 OM, but bad QRM and QRN at my QTH! If I could trouble the masses present, I would ask that each lurker of this forum take one minute of their time and click on this link (its safe) and answer the 10 questions in your own opinion. Its a survey, no more, no less. No evidence or substantiation required, just what is your best guess to each of the quetions? Thank you, Sincerely, 73's Dan (officially off whuffo status since 1981 or so...)[url]http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=puwbdrom27xbq811008436
  5. Dan, What are you talking about? Can you provide a coherent explanation of the above? Yes I can! And I will! But for now, enjoy the puzzle. Ive left enough embedded material tonight that a few of you guys could finish this thing off if you wanted to. It'll give you something to do over the Christmas break besides heading back to the fridge for slabs of cold leftovers. Signing off for several weeks. You guys are great!
  6. "Your sentence wasn't meant to be funny but it's one of the funniest things I've seen in this thread." So you got the joke, but you missed the irony? 1 outta 2 aint bad! I axe you. Whuffo you jump outa 'dem a o plains?!?!
  7. C/N is short for celestial navigation, and it had nothing to do with the cooper jump as the writer asked about. I don't know anything about Vietnam.
  8. I think you mean Cooper was just trying to be Rich? thats why he asked for cash? Whoever he was, he made a great ride for us all, and Jerry is probably one of the brightest people I know! Lots of possibilities I know, and who am I to say what is and is not so? All I intend to do is to tell the story that hasnt been told yet, and let ya'll will come to the same conclusion, and then you can tell me what was and what was not so. I'l be at the third stool from the end - darker is better. See you there! No denial of McCoy as your suspect? I will take that as confirmation that I am right. But, that's cool. I have no suspect that I favor as Cooper, so I'm open minded to whatever you have to say - regardless of who you point the finger at. You are an American citizen. You ar free to take anything as anything you want. I think there were a lot of viable candidates out there at one point, other than the obvious flops which we all know and don't need to discuss which are Duane, Pat's guy (girl I guess) and Marla's dream man. My job, as I have self induced it, is NOT to tell you who did or did not do it. Who am I to have been given that divine revelation? My job is to give you a fresh view to some aspects that you have not seen before, and be satisfied that you will come to your own conclusion on your own. Just like I did. Whatever that conclusion may be, I am OK with it. I know I aint the sharpest stick in the shed, but Ive done OK. You guys need to eat more at Taco Bell on this case! Heres a video of me landing the -3 from the right seat on a 1800 foot grass strip. In the beginning is a great side shot that illustrates the problem we face every day when flying airliners. See it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfNVyG9_d1M
  9. I think you mean Cooper was just trying to be Rich? thats why he asked for cash? Whoever he was, he made a great ride for us all, and Jerry is probably one of the brightest people I know! Lots of possibilities I know, and who am I to say what is and is not so? All I intend to do is to tell the story that hasnt been told yet, and let ya'll will come to the same conclusion, and then you can tell me what was and what was not so. I'l be at the third stool from the end - darker is better. See you there!
  10. YES!!!...but I think you may be thinking of Bertha, the mammary jogger? She's about 5 foot tall but she cant see where she's walking except but about 5 feet in front of where she is. After that, its all academic. Thats why Bob Seger wrote that song. What a problem that would be, except that she really didnt need to see anyway! What a model for us she really was! And what a great song! Nah, it looks like you were prodding folks into thinking about what can be seen above the cloud covers and triangulated -as has been done for centuries. No that clearly wouldnt work, C/N and getting a shot on anything from that plane would be impossible. But see there, we just talked ourselves out of that hemisphere altogether! That only leaves the other one! You got it!
  11. Jerry - Thank you for your note. I hope that I am able to challenge all of you equally. All in fun. Someday you will all look back, maybe print this thread and every word of every sentance that came from me will make perfect sense. We are in the final days of this mystery. For some, it is going to leave a large hole without the lure of the mystery to keep it alive. Its like the withdrawl symptoms after the OJ trial where our US government and their expert investigation correctly determined that poor OJ could not have killed those people. He had a knife, but he never pulled it. "expert government official at work" For some, it will be a relief not to have to wrestle with it any more. For some, lifelong friends have been made, and what is wrong with that? When its done, I'll meet You boys for an evening to remember. Its on me, I found this pack of 20's down at Tena's bar so were all covered. All I can say is the people that broke into my garage and stole my 7 miniature Hymnals are gonna wish they hadnt messed that up so bad. In the end I am sure I will get my Hymnals back. And when I do you all will be the first to know! No disrespect intended sir and I apologize if any taken!
  12. YES!!!...but I think you may be thinking of Bertha, the mammary jogger? She's about 5 foot tall but she cant see where she's walking except but about 5 feet in front of where she is. After that, its all academic. Thats why Bob Seger wrote that song. What a problem that would be, except that she really didnt need to see anyway! What a model for us she really was! And what a great song!
  13. "Yes, I've jumped a round at night. No big deal." Finally. Someone on a dropzone forum that can admit jumping a round at night is no big deal. "I havent flown a Carvair. I have two hours of Learstar time though." Loadstar? or Lear jet? Which Boeing have you flown from the right seat at night? "Marla in a nun's habit? OMG. Farflung would blow an artery." I might have mis-spoke, I meant to say you'll be getting nun of that. As a more subtle hidden meaning message: "It wasnt Duane." Just remember, whenever youre lost out there in the woods, you can take up a 300 heading for 50 yards, or you can walk about 100 feet north, then 100 feet due west and you'll end up in just about the exact same spot! All courtesy of that indian we know as Sohcahtoa. Youre gonna shoot yourself!
  14. And their in lies your answer. See, you have just solved your own mystery! Youre gonna shoot yourself. 40 years of sleuthing over this?
  15. The sucess was obvious and easy. The intended LZ Wasnt impossible to hit because it was night, it was possible to hit because it WAS night! What are the two things every skydiver would need to know before you exit solo on this load? Come on folks! This forum is DROPZONE! Arent there any skydivers on here that can step through what you would need? Did he have both? Of course he did! Youve all been there. "OK. Door!" Im getting a peak. I am getting ready to exit, before I leave this ride, I know for sure: 1) 2)
  16. ...it seems to me that EVERYONE is convinced DBC went out at the point of the pressure bump. not quite everyone, but close. Youre not understanding that point in time, what it signifies, and what it was to the jumper. THINK! The pilot lost 3 or 4 on the ADI "at" the bump, and he held it! HE HELD IT! How obvious does this have to be?
  17. I just can't solve Dan's riddle. Until I do, I think the chute is out there and still findable. YES! Its still out there right next to yours, where you made a night jump and never pulled? Right. Why would you make a night jump and not pull the big silver handle? Theres only one silver handle, can you pull it? Of course you can. Or you pulled and got a streamer and no one ever found this wad of trash in 40 years? Right. Or it was Duane. Right. Or, like you, he made an exit and pulled, and he got a good canopy! Same as you! Youre still here and your cranium is still functioning nicely! I guess you pulled, didnt you? If you didnt pull then explain your source of internet down there and how you keep that laptop from burning up. When you landed you field packed the canopy. Then you daisy chained the lines in the dark. Then you walked towards the light. Your body is not laying out there in a crater, and you jumped. Mine is not either, and I jumped. There have been thousands of night jumps under rounds. In the very old days they used to bring 'em young to the sport because their knees and ankles could handle the PLF. Things are a lot different to day and even old people still jump. But Nobody doesnt pull. Think. But it wasnt Duane, it wasnt Pat's guy, and Marla would look great in a nun cap.
  18. Its not that you dont know these answers. Its that you dont know that you know.
  19. I'll answer your question with a question. Youve made night jumps under a round. Is your chute still out there somewhere?
  20. I am saying that bigfoot had a better chance than Duane, but neither were involved. I will say that there is some tremendous creative writing talent on here and I have enjoyed the the humor immensly, not that an airplane mystery with a crack in it is anything to laugh about.
  21. I am afraid when I sign off that my computer will go down and I will not be able to get back. Farewell letter accepted.
  22. I Will! Ya'll are gonna kick yourself when you see the answer to this mystery. You were that close to it the whole time! It's like one of those "I coulda had a V8" commercials. I think ya'll stood so close and looked so hard that nobody ever stood back and looked at the big picture. I will include an example video here to help illustrate. Watch the video very close and pay very close attention to the basketball players wearing the white shirts. They pass the ball. A truly genius Cooper sleuth can count the correct number of times the basketball is passed on the first viewing of the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo&feature=player_embedded Now you know what I mean?
  23. Jo Weber called me on my home phone one evening a few weeks ago. I listened as her conversation went from questions to stories, to events. In the end her emotion went from sad, to anger, to frustration, all the way to out and out telephone sobbbing. "Please" She begged. I am going in again for surgury and I dont have long left on this earth. I need closure. PLEASE just tell me who it was so I can die knowing. I have to know who it was before I die." This is all the MP3 anyone will ever need to hear to write off Jo Weber's hero. If Jo Weber knew without a doubt that it was Duane, why would she call me and beg to know who it really was before she dies?! You cant listen to this MP3 without laughing. Hey folks, it wasnt Duane, and it wasnt Pat's guy, and it wasnt Marla's man. Jo, its time to write your farewell letter.
  24. Ya'll are so close! Youre going over and over the same stuff: What was known to be there. The answer lies in what wasnt there. There is some true genius residing in the inhabitants of this thread. If you had about four of the best of the intelligent, experienced, and knowledgeable people from this thread in the same room, you could figure it out by yourselves. Its easy! And you have all these people all over the world claiming that their relative was him? For money, fame, books, and movies. Find the one person that DENIES that their relative was DBC - and you win! Its over! Interesting thread. It should be cleaned up by removing absurd waste of space writers. I'm sorry but it the DBC case had nothing to do with Duane, Pat, or Marla's uncle.
  25. What was the point of this hijacker taking the trouble to wear the disguise if he just used his real last name on the ticket? In all the subsequent hijackings (there were a lot of them), there was not one person that did not use an alias. Its in the book of skyjacking 101, paragraph 1, "dont use your real name..." I think Marla's uncles were probably out hunting something that they werent supposed to hunt, maybe out of season, or maybe on land they werent supposed to be in when they were supposed to be home eating dinner with the family! Hunters often come home bloody and messy after field dressing something. And they often want to squelsh the talk if they bagged something they werent supposed to bag. I think Marla wins for best looking cooper wanna be winner, but there is a completely logical explanation for the case, and it wasnt LD. It wasnt Duane and it wasnt Barb.