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Everything posted by MeyerLouie

  1. Blevins said: [Give me a break. I'm not the only one who has occasionally gone off-topic around this village. But since I have already made the announcement, we can move on from it, yes. _________________________________________________ Are you for frickin' real? You take up almost 25% of the post time here -- just you and you alone. I assure you ... you post irrelevant shit here more than just occasionally. Georger provided proof of that. MeyerLouie __________________________________________________ On a side note, when I HAVE posted up Cooper-related stuff, you simply say that I take up too much room. And generally, you don't even bother to address the actual issue I raised. So make up your mind. Either you want me to stick to Cooper (as you said) or want me to post up Cooper issues simply for you to use as insults? Double standard all the way. __________________________________________________ No Blevins, it's no double standard at all. Let me explain....again, for the umpteenth time! Post up credible information and I will have no problem with what you say. But you don't have it in you, it won't happen. Too ofen, there's too much irrelevant information and not enough relevant fact. With Cooper related posts, it's not so much what you say, it's how you say it. All too often, you barge in, uninvited, and offer your humble, expert opinion (example: you stepped in and, out of the clear blue, appointed yourself Jerry Thomas' expert superviosr in search tactics and strategy, and immediately kicked out 15 paragraphs on how an expert would properly conduct a Cooper research.....uninvited, nobody asked, nobody cared -- but that didn't stop you). And you've done this so many times at other times. Also, you reply to so many posts, offering your unsolicited advice and uninvited opinion. What's amazing is your unsolicited posts can run 10-20 paragraphs -- even when nobody even cared or even bothered to ask you for any input. You just barge and go for it. Hey dude -- it's discourteous, it's rude. Where's your frickin' manners??!! So, you, and someone else, have pretty much chased away the real experts, the ones who really know what they're talking about. You, and someone else, are pretty much ruining this forum. No wonder you both say this forum isn't going to be around much longer. I think I've adequately addressed your original concern.... again. MeyerLouie
  2. Then its apparent to me you want Blevins' off topic crap here but you also want DB Cooper discussion? Never mind compatibility? Or maybe it is me missing the point! Maybe the two are compatible just as Jo's crap is compatible. If I ever had anything to offer here at DZ its long gone. This is the last place on Earth I would post it! Blevins wins and some us will go elsewhere. Simple as that. BYE! Nothing has been the same since Ckret left and that was a long time ago. Good luck with your Blevins & Weber Thread! _________________________________________________ Georger: I hope you are not saying what I think you might be saying. Don't leave. Your expertise, knowledge, and research gives this place a ton of credibility. We've lost Farflung, Bruce (for the most part), half of the 99's, and many many others. If you go, well that leaves a bigger gaping hole. What happens then? I know you get really frustrated -- we've got two people, just two, who have taken it upon themselves to hog more than 50% of the airtime on this forum. They're selfish, they can't help themselves, and that is driving so many of the good people away. That's right, I'm going out on a limb and say two individuals here have probably done more to ruin this forum than all the others combined. He has no self control, no credibility. She can't get organized enough to make any headway with anything, yet she refuses any assistance. That's why she goes on and on and on about most of the things she talks about. She has this underlying expectation that the forum is going to do her legwork, and sort things out, for her. When we don't respond as she thinks we should, she's all over it, mad as hell. So much of their material is non-relevant, it goes on and on and on. They'll both come on and vehemently deny my statements and attack me profusely (you know it's coming). Nonetheless Georger, you have come up with evidence (something neither one of them have ever come close to -- in spite of their daily long-windedness). You discovered that these two individuals take up in excess of 50% of the total time on this forum. That's incredible! That's also pathetic! It would be nice to not hear from these two people so much and start hearing more from others. It would be nice to have some of our people come back. I miss Farflung's insightfulness and incredible writing -- he makes me laugh. I miss Bruce's daily check-ins and insights -- he's a true professional. I'd like to hear more from 377, he's too modest. He has so much knowledge and so many skills. He always leaves me pondering on what he just said. The other 99 does her homework, she always has incredible information and insight. Jerry Thomas knows a lot, I miss his contributions too. We need you guys, come back soon. Georger, please don't go away. MeyerLouie
  3. MeyerLouie wrote: But it should be your focus while you are here, Blevins -- on this forum. I, for one, am sick and tired of your non-relevant announcements, ads, and anecdotes You do it more than all others combined. It's time to cut the crap-ola. It's apparent you are using this forum to peddle your wares -- like your book, your 'Auburn Days' shindig, your "subie" adventures, and your stories about that 4-breasted woman with all the horses -- or some such thing. MeyerLouie Give me a break...costs us money and time to do that for the festival, including all the yearly committee meetings I attend after work. We donate everything free, including all the free refreshments and non-AB books for Community Book Swap. Nobody makes a cent. I don't sell books or have a display, except a few years ago when I did a DB Cooper display. Mostly I posted that as a courtesy for readers of this thread who might live in the Puget Sound area. 99% of attendees will come either from Auburn, or NWSFS. __________________________________________________ It is not relevant to the DB Cooper case. Post your non-related announcements somewhere else! Too much drama, Blevins. MeyerLouie
  4. Blevins said: Cooper isn't my ONLY interest.
  5. Make a video of you and JT together. Who will kill who first! I feel a rendezvous with a cliff coming on... JT! Update your insurance! __________________________________________________ Georger, that conjures up a really funny image.... Hey Blevins, you got me thinking about this psychic stuff again, so I went to one last night -- honest to God. I asked her about you. Know what she said? She said, "Robbie (that's what she called you) will be one of the first American citizens to be invited to ride on the first manned mission to Mars." It's going to be even better than you thought, Blevins! You're not only going to witness the first mission to Mars in your lifetime -- you're going to be on it! Ain't that somethin'?? We're not done.....she also told me she actually knew you in a previous life (she's a reincarnation freak). She said she was Lady Godiva and you were Mr. Ed! How incredible is that??!! Now you're part of a significant little slice of history. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! I think I like this psychic stuff, Blevins. Tell you what -- I'll have my psychic call your psychic and we'll do lunch -- on me. What do you say? MeyerLouie
  6. _________________________________________________ Wait a minute Blevins, didn't you just say you were not going to participate in the search if no one listened to your humble expert opinion about how it should be conducted? You are a bit fickle, Blevins ... is the ADD flaring up again? MeyerLouie _________________________________________________
  7. Manners obviously aren't your strong suit, are they? The Cooper case isn't my only interest, either. Not nice. Auburn Days, Saturday August 10th at the Auburn Avenue theater I will be showing the following films: Soylent Green, Journey to the Far Side of the Sun, Them, and Robinson Crusoe on Mars - Criterion Edition. Sci-Fi Saturday on the marquee. Gayla passes out the free refreshments all day and admission costs nothing. The Northwest Science Fiction Society is backing the event, and has notified all their members by email. I'm a member, although I haven't updated my card for a while. But I do show up to stuff bags for the convention each year. Stop your whining and come have some fun in August. Or in July if you want to do the camping trip.
  8. __________________________________________________ That says it all.....another great post, Mrshutter45. MeyerLouie I only suggested possible search parameters to keep the time wasting to a minimum. You keep putting the focus of my questions regarding any ground search back on me personally, instead of addressing the issues I raised. This is typical. If a suggestion comes from me, it must be auto-stupid, right? That's your mantra? My personal mantra is don't underestimate people, and don't assume they're stupid just because you don't agree with them. Only stupid people do that. Look...makes 'no never mind to me' whether you want to take a dart board and stick a picture of SW Washington on it to select search areas. On the other hand, why waste your time on a useless search? Tell me why the parameters I suggested don't make sense. They were perfectly logical. Use the official map. Contact Rataczak for another opinion on the jump point. Work out some possible spots in a three-to-five minute window. And by the way...I don't have ADD, nor do I buy Starbucks. You think I'm dumb enough to spend four bucks on a cup of java? LOL not a chance. I like Yuban. __________________________________________________ Hey Blevins: Nobody asked you for your opinion on a possible search area nor your rationale or reasons for selecting your chosen search area. As soon as Jerry announced his intentions to do his search, you barge right in, uninvited, and went about explaining your reasons and rationale for how a search should be conducted and why -- in great detail, taking several paragraphs and pages to do it. I responded that your suggestions will most likely be ignored pretty much, since Jerry Thomas' years of experience in the woods and expertise in wilderness survival will most likely put you to shame. For those reasons, I said I'm buddying up with Jerry on his search, and I'm going to pretty much just ignore your suggestions for a best-effort search. Your fragile yet inflated ego seems threatened and perplexed by the rejection. Nobody seems to be coming forward and falling in behind you. Your arrogance won't just let that go, huh Blevins? I'll tell you what I think: I think you think your shit tastes like ice cream and there just aren't enough spoons go around. I know it's a shocker for you Blevins, but the sun does not rise at your belly button, set at your asshole, and shine all day on what's in between. Yuban? That brand is always the cheapest on the shelf, everywhere. Let's see, what new thing did I just learn about Blevins?......... MeyerLouie
  9. __________________________________________________ That says it all.....another great post, Mrshutter45. MeyerLouie
  10. __________________________________________________ Blevins: Do you really think Jerry Thomas, or anybody else for that matter, really cares where you think the search should be conducted? It's intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that your unsolicited suggestions for the search area will be totally ignored. Maybe if you had more credibility, you'd get more attention. But there you go again, writing a mile-long post, taking up your usual 25% of the air-time -- and it will be a post that will, for the most part, be totally ignored. MeyerLouie Okay. Go out into the woods and search without a solid plan. See how far you get, and how much you find. Credibility, my eye. I've done searches from Mt. Index down to Mt. Adams and you guys haven't a clue what you're getting into. Don't speak to me about AAD and decaffeinated coffee. Those were common-sense suggestions I made. Otherwise, you may as well try shooting a bullet from your campsite at a forty-five degree angle into the sky and then go looking for it. Chances are better you'll find the bullet than anything Cooper. And by the way...I WAS talking about Tena Bar until Georger jumped in with his usual Blevins Ranting foo-fo-rah. _________________________________________________ Blevins: Jerry Thomas, myself, and others have spent some quality time out in the woods. Like you're the only expert woodsman around? I'd go so far to say that JT's time in the woods, coupled with his wilderness survival expertise, puts you to shame. So I think I'd rather listen to him. As I said, you'll be ignored -- okay then, bye-bye. This post is rather focused, Blevins -- nice change for a change. It's apparent you took my advice and got back on your ADD medication and made fewer stops at Starbucks these past couple of days. Good for you! Just keep doing whatever your Rice Krispies tell you do... MeyerLouie
  11. _________________________________________________ Good point, MrShutter45!! As for KC: I'm getting a strong feeling too, but this time it's just gas. MeyerLouie
  12. Blevins said: The Seattle FBI (God love 'em) solves major crimes every day. But they are also the same people (regarding the Cooper case) who did these things: 1) Interviewed over a thousand suspects without result. 2) Made a habit of keeping the media and the public out of the loop for decades, when in reality it was the media and the public who could have assisted them best. 3) Failed to keep proper records on the details of the creation of the radar maps now used to track Flight 305. 4) Dismissed the Amboy chute with lame arguments supported by basically just one person. And the main point he used to dismiss was even MORE lame. ('It's silk, not nylon, so it can't be Cooper's') 5) Went public with the Marla Fable (and got burned) when they should have investigated her story better first, and as a result were forced deeper into their shell regarding the Cooper case. 6) Because of #5 no one can get anything out of them now that might help solve the case. 7) Lost the best DNA evidence in the case, in the form of some cigarette butts. I could go on, but I think I will leave it at that. __________________________________________________ Hmmm, now I think I know why the FBI hasn't gotten back to you on that KC report, Blevins. MeyerLouie
  13. How the heck should I know? I said that hasn't been proven. I only pointed out that the official flight map shows 305 no closer than five nautical miles from the Columbia River before it reached Portland and crossed OVER the Columbia. See attached map. (also a rerun) LOL as if I have all the answers to the Tena Bar money. No one does. I already listed some of the possibilities, but I never drew a conclusion on them. Not enough evidence, not enough information. Rerun: Flight map is wrong. Or Cooper went into the Columbia over Portland and money bag ended up at Tena Bar. Or plant. Take your pick. You'll have to prove one of those scenarios, of course, should you select one of them. The lumber and other debris at Tina's Bar does not require a flight path to explain! Can you pry your head off flight paths long enough think about the stuff on Tina's Bar for its own sake? You act like the two are inseparable! Our galaxy is headed straight toward another galaxy. How does that affect cottage cheese ? __________________________________________________ Blevins: You may want to get back on your ADD medication and decaffeinated coffee-- you're all over the place. The topic was Tena Bar -- but you obsessed on the flight path, Amboy again, then back to KC -- issues that, in this context, don't really lend themselves to the current Tena Bar discussion. Focus, man! You're running toward the horizon like a bat out of hell with its pants on fire. Georger was trying to make a point -- based on logic, common sense, and focus. But you totally missed it -- Why would someone pick such a place in the first place to "plant" money? What might explain the 3 bundles being stacked together? Maybe "unnatural means" is a really unnatural expression. Please don't respond to these questions, they're rhetorical only. You still haven't met your 25% quota for air time -- better get on it, buster. MeyerLouie
  14. __________________________________________________ Blevins: Do you really think Jerry Thomas, or anybody else for that matter, really cares where you think the search should be conducted? It's intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that your unsolicited suggestions for the search area will be totally ignored. Maybe if you had more credibility, you'd get more attention. But there you go again, writing a mile-long post, taking up your usual 25% of the air-time -- and it will be a post that will, for the most part, be totally ignored. MeyerLouie
  15. The only thing Duane ever forged was a name on a check or a charge card - evidently since he supposedly was ONLY a thief who robbed hotels, motels, military wives in Bars with their Gov cks! Bar Pick-ups is what I call them and they got what they deserved for running around on their military husbands. I do NOT justify the actions of Weber and I have NEVER been told the extent of the crimes he committed. Wonder WHY? Where are the records and did he have court trials or just appear infront of a judge because he was Bad Conduct discharge and Undesirable. IF Weber had NOT gotten a BAD deal to begin with - he might have been able to have made something out of himself early on. He actually had what it took - as he did prove to himself much later in life....I think he had a lot of good guys on his side at times. Such as our old friend. What the hell could he have done had he received the breaks they give kids today? _________________________________________________ Jo: Duane had every break anyone else ever had. Each and every time, he had a choice. Too often, he made a conscious decision, on his own, to break the law. No one forced him to do, or not do, anything. It's good he finally turned things around, but saying he didn't have the same breaks as kids do today just isn't true. It's an excuse. Some people come from a very tough, bad, sad upbringing and turn out to be successful, contributing members of society. Others come from priviledge, money, and opportunity and turn out to be despicable scumbags. We all know some from each group, don't we? Duane did what he because he chose to, plain and simple. MeyerLouie
  16. _________________________________________________ I'm in Jerry, see my PM. MeyerLouie
  17. __________________________________________________ Blevins, the more you talk, the more you are making a total fool of yourself. It's too much information! Stop already! Who cares? You take up almost 25% of the air time on this forum, so much of it on irrelevant, ridiculous, non-DB Cooper, who-gives-a-shit kind of information like this post. However, since you brought it up -- most secure guys don't talk about the models they used to date or dare mention to the world the psychics they used to consult (however, her daughter was a model, so I'm bettin' Mary was a looker too, maybe even moreso than Marla....I always hated when that happened -- I didn't who was hotter or who I was more attracted to -- the daughter or the mother). Why don't you quit while you're way behind? You've reached a new low, Blevins. I thought it wasn't possible, but here you are. MeyerLouie
  18. I prefer a more optimistic interpretation. No crater. DBC lands alive and escapes. A cratered jumper would probably have been found by now. Georger made a convincing presentation about how unlikely a river landing would have been. Unfortunately my Cooper twenty has no clues as to vertical speed at the time of landing. It just stares at me and says nothing. Maybe Bruce could conjur up its past but I can't. 377 Not a joke: Ever thought about letting a psychic take a look at the bill? I never believed in psychics until I met a lady named Mary down in Vancouver. She could find lost keys, anything I hid from her, she found right away. The bad part was when she would take hold of your hand. You couldn't keep any secrets from the old bi#*ch. No kidding.
  19. "SSE as it passed over the Merwin Lake area" you need to look at the flight path again! Rataczak stated he knows when Cooper jumped. we have a time frame and a questionable path. they base it on the time frames of the path and when the pilot reported the pressure bump. they think they have the area where he jumped, only if the path is correct. if the path is incorrect, then when he jumped doesn't matter does it? your map is a very bad example....sorry. __________________________________________________ That map is about as unscientific and bad as it gets. Maybe Blevins, just maybe, it might be better to try to be a bit more rigorous in you analysis and conclusions. Geeez! MeyerLouie
  20. Hold on thar, pardner. I didn't say the money fell out of the sky. I said it can't be proven HOW the money arrived at Tena Bar. __________________________________________________ Bullshit, Blevins. Read your own words! You said it was possible the money fell out of the sky or it was a plant. You said: "The money does NOT, because it cannot be established for certain that this money fell out of the sky to that location. You cannot say that without being able to prove that's how it arrived there. It could have been a plant. Either is possible." How does that jive with "I didn't say the money fell out of the sky. I said it can't be proven HOW the money arrived at Tena Bar." Here comes some more of your double talk, Blevins: If you discount dredging and washdown, I pointed out this leaves only two possibilities: 1) Fell from the sky on the way down. 2) Planted by human hands. You are way off-base here and obviously didn't see some of my previous posts on this. _________________________________________________ You're way off base, thar pardner. You can't even keep consistent in your current posts! Unbelievable! MeyerLouie_________________________________________________ Concerning number one possibility, (fell from sky) I think you can discount the idea of loose bill packets. This is because at least three bundles of the cash were found in the same spot. So this would mean the entire bag had to land somewhere in the vicinity, and the only thing remaining by 1980, somehow or other, were the loose packets found. But this also begs the question on WHY nothing else was found. parachutes, briefcase, body, other money, money bag, clothing scraps, paracord pieces, NOTHING. Why is that? I speculated that maybe Cooper went into the river separated from the bag and the bag ended up on land, while he did the Big Splash. On the second possibility, Planting: We know Cooper offered a portion of the money to Mucklow, so that negates the idea he might be unwilling to part with some of the money to throw off the cops. Maybe it's a plant. But there is no proof of that, either. How could you prove it was a plant beyond a reasonable doubt? Well...I gave one scenario, and that was if someone finds a piece of evidence AWAY from the where the money was found. Like the parachute, or the briefcase, or anything that can be definitively, without question, linked to the hijacker. Say in the Ariel, Amboy, or Merwin Lake area. Or even further south, as some believe, as long as it wasn't west of the interstate. In this event, it would be absolutely impossible for the Tena Bar money to be attributed to a fall, or to have arrived at its location by accident. In other words, it would certainly be a plant. The real trouble with all of this is the lack of additional evidence, both at Tena Bar, and anywhere else Cooper might have landed. You have the placard falling off a plane along the flight path. You have the Tena Bar money found a full FIVE MILES to the west of Interstate 5, and most sources agree that the flight path of the jet was NOT west of Interstate 5? So how do you reconcile these things? Well, some have suggested the official report of the flight path is wrong. Fine. I say prove it. Tom Kaye and his team seem to believe the flight path is correct. The truth is, you can't reconcile it unless new evidence emerges, and that evidence would probably take one of two forms: A) Flight path is proven INCORRECT, and 305 was actually WEST of Interstate 5 at the time of Cooper's jump. B) An additional piece of evidence is found that can be linked to Cooper, either near Tena Bar, or close to the 'official' flight path. It would actually be better, in my opinion, to find something along the flight path, because this would answer two questions at the same time, i.e. whether Cooper survived, and whether the money was a plant. Example: Someone discovers the briefcase in the woods in the Ariel/Amboy area. Extrapolation you can obtain from this evidence: 1) The money on Tena Bar was a plant. 2) Cooper survived the jump, since you need a live person to do a plant. Without any additional evidence, the Tena Bar money remains a mystery. That's my opinion on it, anyway. One more key is needed to open the information vault, as it were. That key has not yet been discovered. One bright spot: Robert99 and MrShutter are researching the flight path, and I am interested to see what their results turn out to be. _________________________________________________ Like I said earlier, not having a whole to say doesn't usually keep you from talking. Would've, could've, may have if new evidence is found. New evidence has not been found, and I'm sure when new evidence is found, there will others more qualified than you to analyze it. MeyerLouie
  21. Blevins said: The money does NOT, because it cannot be established for certain that this money fell out of the sky to that location. You cannot say that without being able to prove that's how it arrived there. It could have been a plant. Either is possible. __________________________________________________ The money fell out of the sky to that location: it must have been some fierce wind on the jump then, to cause all those bills to get so tattered and worn. Maybe the actual impact of the money bag caused that blackened, oval-shape, tattered-look on all of them thar bills. So, when was the plant? Right after 11/24/71 or 1979 or 1980? Maybe Cooper lost the money bag for a few days or nearly 10 years -- he was waiting for the bills to get that 'antiqued' look. Then he planted a few at Tena Bar just to get a good laugh and throw us all off. Or maybe Cooper took 3 bundles out of the moneybag and took them into an antique dealer and requested the bills get that lived-in, antique look. Right afterwards, he buried the bills at Tena Bar, nearly $6000. He figured he didn't really need the money -- afterall the hijacking was only supposed to be a spiritual experience for him. Moe importantly, stealing the money was really just a matter of principle -- he didit just to show Big Brother he could -- $6000 meant nothing to him, it was chicken feed, chump change. So Blevins, "either is possible"? About as possible as the two scenarios I just laid out. You talk just to talk, no forethought. You have taken up nearly 25% of DZ airtime, yet you have proven nohing, you talk endlessly about non-Cooper crap, and more often than not, you don't have a whole lot to say, but that usually doesn't keep you from talking. At least Jo has done the hard work, research, and follow-up these past 17 years. True, she hasn't proven DW is DBC, but at least she speaks from her knowledge and experience, and that's what gives her credibility. She knows a lot -- more than you might think. And she's probably forgotten more than you'll ever know about the DB Cooper case. She's a straight shooter. There are people here who do their homework before they open their mouth, and I've noticed it's those individuals who don't really like you. Hmmm, I wonder why.... MeyerLouie
  22. _________________________________________________ You were married to this guy, Duane, for how many years? And you can't confirm, you can't be sure, it was your husband when he was younger? C'mon Jo!That's a bit far-fetched. Most of the time, I can look at a picture of an old man from my family and look at a picture of him when he was a young man, and it doesn't take long to correctly identify him. There's always identifying features that never disappear with age -- the face, the smile, the shape of the eyes, mouth and nose (this is a family member now, not a stranger). I don't believe you. Go ahead, throw your temper tantrums.... MeyerLouie
  23. Robert the most direct question you ever asked me before. I will try to give a simple answer. Yes, Duane did mention smokejumpers when he showed me a picture of a bunch of guys in front of plane - they had on chutes, but NOT all of them had on chutes and some you could not make out. He didn't tell me he was a smokejumper but said he was in the picture - if he was in the picture he had something to do with them. A spotter, a packer - he did tell me about the Flying Johnsons, but back then I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. This was the same time he showed me a picture of a woman near a plane and said he knew her. I assumed she was a pilot or a friend of the man who the plane belonged to or perhaps the plane belonged to her father - I don't know. Can't remember if the source of the pictures - old photos - but I do not remember the medium. Book, magazine or another book. He mentioned a photographer, but don't know if he said the name...told me had been a helper. I guess setting things up. The man evidently was well known for his photography, but I do NOT recall a name or if Duane said a name. I have search N.W. photos and tried to see if I could find any of the photos he showed me - have no idea where they came from or what happened to them. My memory is so fuzzy on this part that I am unable to remember the time frame and why I was not more curious. It could have been while we were in Alabama in 1987 - because that is where My mind wants to go. Why AL I don't know. He was very mysterious about something at that time. This is about the time I found the envelope taped under the desk and he walked in on me. I just told him I was picking up a lead I dropped while putting them away. Which really was true - because I would NOT have seen it had I not picked up the lead. The next day I went to find the envelope taped to the back of the desk and it was GONE. When we moved to AL in 1987 he went ahead of me had the travel trailer and one of the dogs. We had sold our home in VA. I flew down to help find a rental - and flew with the other dog in a crate, but she was crying and I pulled her out and put her under my jacket (she was only 3 lbs). What he did in AL before I got there with the furniture a month or so later - I don't know. We were NOT too far from Nebraska and maybe he made trip up there to pick up a few things. Could have done it easily and his John Collins ID was still active at that time. In Va in 1984 he was so obsessed with being responsible for someone dieing. Drunk and rambling about getting killed because he tried to do what he did. Even DRUNK he was careful of his words.Of course now I know what he was talking about, but back then I didn't have a DAMN CLUE! I tried to give a simple answer, but as usual if is a maze of memories. I guess I have to let the memories flow as they come. Each time I have to answer a question like this - and this one was a first. I was the QUESTION and how YOU worded it that started the memory cycle. Blevin when YOU were at a location on one of your trips - I QUIZED you and wrote you about making a stop for me at a musuem, but you didn't. I wanted pictures or copies of what was in that museum - it was a smoke jumper museum. I think the picture I saw is IN that MUSUEM - for some reason this is just burning at me....Duane talked about a camp in that area and then I found the Spokane record and then I found Harris was in Spokane and the same age as Duane. Then all the memories of Duane's conversation about Coure d alene and Spokane and he could NEVER go back. A boy and indian reservation he didn't say the name of the boy then but later that same day he said the name but I never connected it with the BOY. Now I think the BOY and the name go together, but I have found NO trace or history of that man - like Duane he went POOF! __________________________________________________ Might have, may be, could've been, fuzzy memories .... Jo, when I read your posts, it's like reading a mystery novel ... but I'll never ever get to find out who really did it! MeyerLouie
  24. Jo said: ....I am tired of telling this and NEVER being heard and NO ONE even verifying the information. It is there in the genealogy. I am NOT making any of this up. U JERKS told me there was NO way the family was involved in the Boeing Paint JOB - well they were. ......I even asked if anyone was able to find the guest list for the Boeing introduction. You will find a member of DUane's family was there! I hurt to bad to continue to try to tell a bunch of guys who do not really care - they just want something to debate and scramble about. __________________________________________________ Jo, Why are you always expecting the forum to do your follow-up and verify your claims? That's your job, not anybody else's. You just keep throwing spaghetti on the wall and hope that some of it sticks. When no one follows up on the news and information you throw out there, you get pissed -- telling us that no one even cares. Well, you're right -- you're the one who needs to care. If you make the claim, it's your responsibility to follow-up, verify, and research your own stuff. The forum is not obligated to do your research and legwork for you. Stop expecting it. That's your job. Sometimes you even name-call when you don't get what you want (you called us 'jerks'). Reality check Jo: no one owes you, or is obligated to give you, anything here. MeyerLouie
  25. PERHAPS Cooper was NOT a jumper, but the WORLD GREATEST JOCK CARRIER could also have been a SPOTTER! Need someone with an EAGLE EYE - and DUANE was very good regarding distance and spotting things VERY FAR way. He was a crack shot with a pistol and a rife! ONE time Duane showed me a picture it was of a group of guys infront of a plane. Duane said he was in that picture. I thought it was a joke! The picture if I am correct was of the Johnson Guys, but there was NO detail in the pic. This was around 1984...when he made this comment. He claimed to have know the guys in the attached picture around that same time. Photo recognitions with Duane's navy pic - indicates one of the men is possibly Duane L. Weber and not either of the names provided by the book the pic was in. ONE name never existed and the other's family said their uncle was NEVER in Camino or CA. __________________________________________________ Vague recollections and fuzzy memories.... here we go again, Jo. I'm not sure what that accomplishes, and frankly, I find it frustrating. You can't even identify your own Duane (or John) in the picture you posted. If you can't, then is it reasonable to expect that others here can? I don't think that's a reasonable expectation, Jo. Give us something solid and verifiable -- something tangible to go on. What do you actually know, and what do you actually have in hand? Why not start from that? All of the vague, fuzzy, distant recollections of things that may have happened or not -- well, that's been going nowhere fast, and for a long time. You keep doing what's you always done, you keep getting what you've always got. MeyerLouie