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    Skydive Elsinore
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  1. I think we all complain too much. Yeah xmas bonuses are tradition, and less than you wanted when you work had sucks. Hell, my xmas bonus last year was a 10% pay cut that was supposed to last one quarter (still in effect). Every day I wake up, and make a difference to someone - outisde of work - in a bonus.
  2. I've seen 1 person that has one. Not that impressed personally. Be sure to ask TMobile or whomever how big the pics are. The data tranfer on GSM phones (like that one) are through the GPRS protocol. That usually costs extra on the monthly plans, and they charge you by the kb for data. For the size of pic that they seem to shoot, I dont think you can really even print them out clearly.
  3. Actaully I'm going to be selling not buying. Its a Sabre(1) 170. It was made in late 1998, about 300 jumps in mainly Southern Cal (some Nor Cal and Fl). Lines are very good - doesn't need relining. No holes or rips at all.
  4. Its in good shape - has about 300 jumps on it. What would you all say is a fair price these days?
  5. Anyone know when the next Coach course in Southern California will be taking place?
  6. Man, And he found the canopy at 4 miles out. Kudo's to that guy!!! I hope the owner is greatful that he found it...
  7. ffcmerino

    DZ Tunes

    is good at the DZ