I purchased the package deal for AFF. Andy W. was my ground course instructor and he was very detailed and taught me a lot and pretty much put me at ease for my first AFF jump and continued to give me pointers after I was done with the ground course.
After that I had several different instructors for the various levels, all of which were professional, fun, and safety concious.
I was able to finish AFF #1-7 and 3 additional jumps towards my A- License in 3 days. The packers worked hard to ensure I was ready to go up on each load and Hans made sure I was knocking out my jumps for AFF.
The hangar has tons of room for laying out your gear, there is a chutingstar shop, and also a food vendor outside that sells good food. The food tastes especially good when you are doing your jumps in January when its cold as shit.
Overall though, I have to say that everyone I met was more than willing to help you with whatever you needed. On my skydiving vacation at the Farm, we went out to dinner several times as a group, made me feel right at home.
If you are looking for a great time, new friends, and an awesome skydiving experience, go to STF.